Realizing the true Battlefield

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Me: Minna-san! I will make this neither short nor long because I'm going to prepare for the new year!

Lucy and Hajime: awwwwww!

Link: Lucy-chaaaan~

Lucy: kyaaaaaa, get away from me you drunk!

Me: well I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Chapter 20 - Realizing the true Battlefield

Lucy's POV

I woke up then, went to the bathroom along with my towel and took quick bathe, then I went to my room to dry up and changed into my undies then my casual clothes since it's weekends. I went out of the room and went to the dining room seeing Link cooking breakfast.

Lucy: morning *opens the TV*

Link: Morning Lucy, can you please set the plates?

Lucy: sure

I made my way to the rack and took two plates and two sets of chopsticks, I placed the plates at the counter as I place the chopsticks at the table. Then Link placed some omelette at our plates then I placed the food at the table, then Link removed his apron showing a plain white shirt, I sat at the chair waiting for him to seat. Then he sat.

Link and Lucy: Itadakimasu.

Lucy: mmmm, this is quite good

Link: thanks, oh yea, Pai-san said that there's an unknown creature near the park so we better eat fast the others went already to check it out. *eats fast*

Lucy: okay *eats fast*

After we ate, we placed our dishes at the dishwasher not bothering to brush but instead we took a Colgate plax and gargled it to make our mouth fresh, it's like brushing the teeth. We ran out the dormitories and ran towards the park. When we entered the park everything looks dead. We saw Hajime-nee and the others that they transformed into GATCHAMAN, Link also transformed. Me? Oh I just requiped my Light Spear.

I set out a barrier and make sure that no one is in the park, we ran near the source and instead of a creature, we saw a person. It's a man with black hair, red eyes then he is wearing a black with white robe. He was fighting a girl younger than me, she have dark brown hair with gold highlights, then I can't see her eye color because she was wearing glasses, she was wearing everything white, she have a staff and she was blasting dangerous explosions at the man.

Mysterious Man: Why must you get in my way? I need Lucille!

Mysterious Girl: You can't take Lucy! Lucy is not Lucille, she is Lucille's granddaughter! How many times do I have to tell you Dangit!

They are fighting. OVER. ME?!

Lucy: STOP IT!

The both of them stopped as the mysterious girl appeared infront of me as if she was shielding me. She screamed as I noticed that she was bleeding.

Mysterious girl: Lu-cy.

She then casted a spell then memories starts to flash in my head.

Lucy: Rei-sha?

Reisha: good thing that you remembered. *blacks out*

Lucy: REISHA! Wake up please!

Zeref: hahahahaha! Now that she's out of the way, Lucy you are coming with me.

I glared at him as I place Reisha at the ground and chanted a spell that would end all of this but in exchange I must sacrifice an important feeling, which is my hatred towards fairy tail.

Lucy: Shine! Spell Of Ending!

A bright light shone above Zeref as he screamed. Loudly. The light dimmed as I saw Zeref passed out.

Reisha's POV

Before Lucy and her friends arrived.

I was playing FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S 2 then screamed after Marionette's jump scare. I place the phone at my table then looked at the future earth not here but the anime earth. I looked at the park when I saw something dark.

Reisha: Ah! Dangit! He found out! *requips into all-white clothing armor* teleport: Forbidden Dimension!

I appeared infront of Zeref as he shot some dark orbs, and some knives hitting my stomach! I shot some powerful spells at him and he has some bruises and burns and that's when Lucy and her friends arrived. I reappear in front of her as I shielded her from another knife that was heading her way, then I fell unconscious.

After that, I felt peace, and quiet. I opened my eyes and saw Lucy crying.

Reisha: you dummy, I know that you used that spell.

She gasped as she hugged me and I saw that I was wearing now my casual clothes.

Reisha: well, I better go now. I have to prepare for new year.

Then I teleported myself back in my room gasping at my wounds. I healed them using my magic and pretend that nothing happened.

Back to Lucy's POV

I stared at Reisha disappeared. Then Link started.

Link: who was that?

Lucy: the girl you saw was Reisha and *points at Zeref's unconscious body* that man is Zeref a man who tried to kill me.

I walked towards Zeref and teleported him back to Fairy Tail.

Lucy: so I guess that I will be going home huh?

Hajime: but what about us?

Lucy : I guess that I will have to erase your memories. Mind Erase

All of them fell unconscious as I walked towards Link and kissed his cheek, then I walked to Hajime-nee and kissed her forehead.

Lucy: thank you Link, for everything.

I teleported back to my room.

Chappy end?

Well that's it for now! Well Happy New Year to all of you.!

Jewel_Chrynome Out!

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