Starting My New Life

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Hi, GUYS! I missed you all DURING those exams, and I gotta tell those exams almost made my brain explode and I'm going to make chapter long.

Hajime: ciaossu! Minna! My Name is Ichinose Hajime! Nice meeting you!

Me: uh, actually they know you, so no need becau-- ommmmphh

James: Happy Belated Birthday! Reisha-chaaaan~ *hugs author soooo hard that she would faint in an instant*

Me: who *gasp* on *gasp* earth *gasp* are *gasp* you? *faints*

James: *lets go of Reisha* ah! Gomen! My name is James ******* and I am just a random stalker! Who was just passing by!

Me: *wakes up* a stalker? Pffffft never in a million years!

Lucy: Reisha! Why did you add another guy! And he just- never mind

Me: *sweatdrops* yeeaaaah, okay we better start!

Everyone in the room: Author/Reisha-chan didn't own FAIRY TAIL or GATCHAMAN CROWDS and OTHER ANIMES!

Me: if only

James: don't worry *hits Author's back*

Me: *starts to cough*

James: ah, gomen, gomen

Me: and oh, there's a picture of Weing and Noir ----------->>>>


Chapter 19- Starting My New Life
Lucy's POV

I woke up, seeing no one in the room. I sat up and saw at the corner of my eyes, two bags.

KNOCK, KNOCK. The door opened showing the girl from yesterday and her mother.

Girl: hi there! My name is Ichinose Hajime and me and my parents have decided to adopt you when we saw your record says that you have been living alone

Tears are threatening to fall as I smile.

Lucy: th-thank you!

Hajime: and oh! The doctor says that you will be able to get out of this hospital today! And we brought you clothes!

She took one bag and gave it to me. I nodded then went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. A pink shirt, blue jeans and of course undies which fit me well and lastly red flats. I went out of the bathroom and they gasped at my looks.

Hajime: it fits you well! Let's go, I'm going to introduce you to everyone!

Time skip... One Year Later... Year 2016

*le plays song Real Love* please listen to that song repeatedly.

Lucy's POV

Me and Onee-chan (Hajime) are still sleeping when the door was slammed open, I opened my eyes and saw Mama holding a clock.

Mama: mattaku! Hajime and Lucy! You're getting late!

Me and onee-chan groaned as we crawled out of our bed at the same time. Last year after Hajime and family adopted me, all of us get along and we discovered that I have these AWSOME powers to eat anything and break things easily, I even thought I was an alien when I breathed fire, water and other elements, then I can summon people or whatever through keys and more AWSOME stuffs.

After a few hours we left the house on our way to the school when onee-chan went to the mall.

Lucy: onee-chan why are you going to the mall?

Hajime: oh c'mon we still have more time!

Lucy: *sigh* fine

I followed nee-chan and went inside the mall, it was kinda creepy that it was so quiet when we heard and explosion occurred, I ran infront of nee-chan and breathed the flames in and we saw a robot that looked like a bird fighting a whatever. Due to the horror, I was about to leave the mall when nee-chan pulled me and followed that bird robot. We saw that bird robot turn into a boy wearing the male version of our school's uniform near a pillar. I was dropped down by nee-chan when she rushed to the boy.

Hajime-nee: woaaah, are you a GATCHAMAN?

GATCHAMAN? What's that? The boy shushed her and said that she might be the new GATCHAMAN, then again.

Lucy: nee-chan, what's a GATCHAMAN?

Blonde boy: shhhhh! I will explain later!

We ran to our classes when me and nee-chan sat at our seats, then the sensei entered the classroom with a blonde boy.

Sensei: class, settle down today we have a new student from an another school, Link-san please step up.

Blonde boy 2: my name is Link Tachibana, I am pleased to meet you. *eyes Lucy*

Link's POV

I have finally found the one for me! Sugane-nii, Pai-san, I found Lucy.

Sensei: now, Link-san, please seat next to Lucy-san

Link: hai

I walked towards a seat beside Lucy-san and sat, the class begun and after a few hours it was lunch time.

Lucy's POV

I walked to nee-chan's table seeing her with her diaries and journals.

Lucy: nee-chan you should eat, it's unhealthy of you don't

Nee-chan pouted then put the journals and diaries aside and ate. Then the new student Link-san walked towards our direction.

Link: are you the new GATCHAMAN?

There again with the GATCHAMAN!

Hajime-nee: yeah, *takes one of her diaries and showed it*

Link: *shows the same diary* and hello Lucy

Lucy: explain to me what is happening later

Link: but of course, *takes one of Lucy's cooked obento* mmmm, this is good!

Lucy: hey!

Link: XP (I guess that I found her alright)

Lucy: hmph, I will let that go just because you are the new student.

The sensei went back and class is resumed.

DISMISSAL TIME, crabs! I forgot that me and nee-chan are going to live in the dormitories today! I ran out of the school going to this Headquarters. And the talking panda explained everything. Then I met each of the one by one. Well, Paiman explained that I'm not really from these dimension but I was sent by a girl named Reisha and she sent me here to this world to fight evil and my magic is everything. I was shocked about everything and about that GATCHAMAN, are created to fight the aliens.

After the discussion me and nee-chan went to our dorms, nee-chan's dorm mate is the senpai from this morning and my dorm mate is Link, who would have known he is also a GATCHAMAN. I decorated my room with a few stickers from nee-chan. And arranged the closet, placed all of my things. I went out of my room and helped Link to set the table and cook the food, after we ate I went to the showers and after that I changed into my pajamas hoping something will happened tomorrow.


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