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Minna-san ohayo! I hope you won't be bothered by the vacation thing on the last chapter in exchange I made the next chappy for the ones who cannot wait about this.



Sting - 38

Natsu - 37

Rogue - 20

Zeref - 18

Gray - 17


Me: Warning! If Gray doesn't pass 20 he will be eliminated from the round!

Gray: waaaaa whyyyy?!

Natsu: ha! In your face ice princess I am already catching up with the light bulb!

Lucy: Tricia-san did you count it right?

Me: yes I even used the calculator and the abacus!

Addictedtoanime127: ..........

Me: oh yeah I forgot to announce that *points at the finalists* they are going to have a new rival which is from another anime, if you want to know about him it will show up in this chapter or next chapter.

Min-chan(Minerva): will all of you shut up! The girls are hunting the new guy right now!

Finalists: where the heck is that guy?!

Me: Gray if you won't pass 20 I'll hook you up with Juvia.

Juvia: Author-san please do.

Me: let get on with the story! But first! Do the disclaimer!

Juvia: Author-san doesn't own Fairy Tail.


Chapter 10 - Who?!

Normal POV

Another wild Day in Fairy Tail, all members are having a guild brawl then suddenly

The one that slammed the door was . . . . . . . . . Lucy Heartifillia Dreyar, Laxus Heartifillia Dreyar and Rufus 'Lohr' Heartifillia Dreyar with a pale white weird expression (The one in Soul Eater) as they walked like zombies to the Master's Office while the oldest members shivered about the expression which made them remember an incident. Then a Certain Pink-head screamed "what?!". Then Macao spoke up.

Macao: I-I t-think I-it's a-about h-him.

Mirajane: *Frowns*

With the Blonde siblings Lucy's POV

I took out an open letter from my pocket and slammed it at the table of Grandpa while Laxus-nii and Rufus-nii are screaming 'it's the end of the world' or 'Why? Why me?' Which made me wanna sulk.


I woke up early and took a bathe and wore a simple t-shirt and jogging pants then dried my hair after I heard a knock from the outside door and opened and it showed a young boy.

Boy: Are you Lucy Heartifillia?

Lucy: yes

Boy: ah here someone told me to give this to you *hands a letter*

Lucy's sweet RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now