Lisanna's return And Welcome home Lucy

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Minna-san~ I have bad news starting this June I might update some chapters every weekends and in July I think the same and in August maybe or maybe not cuz I'm having early exams and I'll be going to Philippines but no problem when I return I'll update as fast as I can so here are the finalists:

Sting - 34

Natsu - 28

Rogue - 17

Zeref - 16

Gray - 15


Me: hai hai~ minna-san, Sting is still at the lead and Natsu is catching up!

Lucy: Tricia-san I'm going to miss you T^T

All of the Girls: meeeee toooo!

Me: *pats Lucy's head* don't worry when I get back I'll bring you guys gifts.

Lucy: really?!

Me: yeah, and for the boys I think I'll bring a rifle or a sniper with me so I could assault them if they do something with you

Lucy: oh ok

Me: while I'm away I'll try contacting addictedtoanime127 to guard the boys

Lucy: oh okay

Me: now let's get on with the story before that girls group hug!

All of the girls: *group hug* animeaddict127 does not own Fairy tail and other anime waaaa!


Chapter 9 - Lisanna's Return and Welcome home Lucy

In fairy tail

Natsu's POV

It's been a few days since Lucy disappeared and Lisanna was taken to another world like hell. And a portal appeared then someone went out of the portal a girl/boy in the age of 13 or 14 wearing black skinny jeans, black high cut converse, red and black checkered polo with a hood but I can't see the face carrying a white head 'Lisanna' girl on her shoulders, that girl looked strong but I'm not in the mood to fight. And the girl spoke.

Hooded Girl: where is your master?

The old man went out of his office and jumped down infront of her.

Master Makarov: ah! Author-san

I stopped dozing off and stared at her, that was the girl 'Reisha' who took her to the world like hell and who was a 'little' strong, everyone's eyes were wide.

Reisha: ah, I've had enough torturing her cuz I have a feeling that Miss Lucy will return

She removed the hood a it showed her hair, it was brown with blonde highlights tied in a ponytail and she was wearing glasses the upper part was thick and the lower part was so thin, her eyes are like a little brown and black. When I heard that Luce's coming back my face brightened up and all of us cheered up which made that b***h Lisanna wake up and everyone stopped cheering and glared at her while the girl dropped her body and stepped into the portal.

Reisha: well I'm leaving her to you *saluted and disappeared*

Lisanna: *fake smile* Natsu-kuuuunn~

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