A sad Crossover

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This is just one of the specials that I have written in my notebook.

Actually this is a sad GraLu

Special Chappy- A sad Crossover

Normal POV
Lucy was sitting at the bar, when Natsu came to her with a paper

Natsu: ne Lucy, should we take this mission?
Lucy: I think we should

Natsu told Mirajane to stamp the paper as the two sneaked out of the guild as they walked at the Magnolia Forest seeing a small cottage. Lucy knocked the door showing an old woman. The old woman said that there was some huge monsters that are eating people and Natsu just dragged Lucy out of the cottage trying to find the monster, along their way they encountered Gray, Erza, Wendy and Carla. Then some tall humanoids started to appear out of nowhere and wreck havoc. They started to split up and fight the monsters.

Lucy: Gate of the Lion! Leo-

Before she finished summoning, she was cut off when the humanoid's hand took her whole body and Lucy screamed her lungs out before she was swallowed. 'Is this the end?' She thought as she was sitting at the stomach of the monster.

Gray heard the scream as he went to the source of the scream, he saw Lucy. Being swallowed. He ran towards the monster.

Gray: LUCY! Ice make: Excalibur!

His attacks didn't reach the monster as the same monster also took his body and swallowed him, as he landed at the stomach he saw Lucy sitting at the sides. He then walked slowly towards her.

Gray: Lucy *brings Lucy in a tight embrace*
Lucy: guess this is the end huh?
Gray: yeah, we will just see each other at the other side
Lucy: yeah *tears up*
Gray: I love you
Lucy: I love you too

The two of them shared their first and last kiss before they passed out due to the heat of the acid. Outside of the Titan, Wendy witnessed both of her beloved comrades being eaten. Carla used her Aera and took Wendy as she flew towards a safe place but during her flight another humanoid's hand hit her hard as Carla dropped Wendy in a dark place.

But sadly some sharp stones punctured through Carla's stomach as she fell, Wendy saw what happened so she ran towards Carla's direction as she tried to heal her. Before the monster hit her, Zeref appeared and destroyed the humanoid. As he destroyed the other monsters. Carla said her last words.

Carla: Wendy, take care of everyone and I apologize for dying.

Then Carla passed away, Carla saw Lucy, Gray and Cait Shelter wearing white clothes as she joined them, Wendy screamed everyone went to Wendy's direction as they treated up seeing that three of the best Mages died or KIA. All of the monsters died as they (Natsu, Erza, Wendy and Zeref) brought Carla's dead body, Lucy and Gray's belonging to the guild and held a funeral at the stadium of the GMG in Crocus.

Everyone in Fiore went there to grieve for their loss, some of them cried for days but mostly Fairy Tail, their lively spirits are gone, they are silent and no one went to missions. They are all sitting as they saw three light figures in the middle of the guild, they saw Lucy, entwining her hands with Gray's hand as Carla in half human, half neko version, she was holding Lucy's other hand.

Lucy: please move on, and make sure don't forget us

Some of their sadness were lifted as they shed tears of joy. The three ghosts started to disappear as everyone in the guild shouted.

Everyone: WE WILL MISS YOU AND WE WONT FORGET YOU!!!!!!!!! *Cries harder*

Carla walked to Wendy and cupped her face.

Carla: Don't cry child

Wendy stopped crying a little as Lucy and Gray made their way towards Team Natsu.

Gray: Guess we'll take our leave soon
Lucy: Natsu, Erza take care of yourselves

Erza and Natsu tried to touch the ghosts but they can't.

Natsu: Lucy, *sob* Gray. Dang it! Why can't we touch you?!
Lucy: sorry, and remember "Even if we die, we won't forget you and we will watch over you guys"

They (I mean Lucy, Gray and Carla) completely disappeared as they cried in happiness and sadness.

Special Chapter End

Me: Hi guys *sniff* *sniff* Did *sniff* you like it? *sniff* waaaaaaaa!
James: d-don't cry *hugs Reisha* (Even though I was just created, I just wish I was real, so I can comfort her for real)
Me and James: Please vote, comment or follow or just wish that James is real.

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