Lucy's return

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Recap: Lucy went to the dragon realm in order to get stronger so she can get her revenge at Fairy Tail or I should say team Natsu.

Chapter 2- Lucy's return

~~~~~~~~ Time Skip 3 years later (too much lazy) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lucy learned dragon slaying which makes her the elemental dragon slayer then God slaying, Demon slaying, and more. She have a pet wolf, exceed, and a snake, she also received red keys for summoning dragons, black keys for demons, silver keys for the wolves and bronze keys for the Gods.

Her hair reached her waist line and her eyes still remained brown but if she uses demon slaying or get pissed off her hair turned black then her brown eyes turned into a scarlet red eyes and grew fangs (like a vampire right?)

Today Lucy is going back to magnolia.

Lucy's POV

Igneel: Princess Lucy you can summon us through these keys.

Lucy: thank you for training me

Igneel: Princess I have one request

Lucy: what is it?

Igneel: can you kindly please kick my son's butt.

Lucy: ok

Grandine: can you kindly please take care of Wendy.

Lucy: ok

Layla: please never expose your demon form to much

Lucy: ok mother.

Layla: good bye

Lucy: good bye, portal to Magnolia appear!

A portal showed up.

Lucy: *puts on a cloak* *steps in the portal* good bye dragon realm, hello Magnolia

When Lucy stepped in the portal she was suddenly transported to Magnolia, instead she was transported in front of her old apartment she was transported in front of the Fairy tail guild.

Lucy: maybe. *opens the door*

No ones POV

A girl with a long blonde hair went inside the guild, while walking she saw the guild members were sobbing and the others were drinking then she asked Mirajane.

Lucy: where is your master?

Mirajane: he's up there at his office

Lucy: thank you Mira *walked to the office*

Mira: *wide eyes* L-Lucy ?

While Lucy was on her way to the master's office ,Natsu asked her to a battle.

Natsu: battle me

Lucy: sorry I can not do that ash brain

Natsu: what did you call me?!

Lucy: I said ash brain! *jumps to the second floor*


Makarov: who is it?

Lucy: remember me?

Makarov: come in

Lucy: hi gramps

Makarov: so you knew about it, if you're asking where's your brother he's drinking downstairs

Lucy: ok

Makarov: you have grown through those years, so are you going back to fairy tail?

Lucy: yes, it seems that they're in pain

Makarov: so where do want to put your mark and what color?

Lucy: navy blue but at the same spot

Makarov: *puts the mark* there done, *sigh* I hope you're ready. *goes out of the office*

Lucy: I'm ready *goes out of the office as well*

Makarov: brats guess who's back!

Mirajane: Lucy?

Makarov: ya got the right answer, get here

Levy: *gasp* Lu-chan!

Every one gasped and cried (tears of joy) and hugged Lucy.

Natsu: so the weakling is back

Lisanna: you know you're a jerk! *cries* Lucy!

Lucy: *hugs Lisanna* wow Natsu, i see that you're dying

Natsu: shut up and battle me *battle stance*

Lucy: ok you first pinky

Natsu: roar of the fire dragon

Lucy: *smirk* I wanted to teach him a little lesson, demon force!

Lisanna: black hair

Erza: scarlet eyes

Makarov: the legendary demon form: the shinigami

Lucy: who's the weakling now!

Makarov: Lucy ,stop *blocked the way* calm down

Lucy: *calms down* I'm fine *teleported out of the guild*

Gray: was that Lucy ?

Mirajane: I guess she'll come back sooner or later

Lucy's POV

I went out of the guild then suddenly I felt Zeref's dark and my body moved unconsciously and I saw Jellal going in the portal and I also went through the portal. When I reached the other side of the portal I saw Jellal's body down there at the forest and my vision blurred as my body fell, I guess I fainted before I closed my eyes I saw three figures standing in front of me.

Chapter 2 end

Minna, I know that it might be boring but please keep on reading it will be more interesting after few chapters.






^_^ ^_^ ^_^

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