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Like what I said at the Special OVA. I'm going to make the poll into a percentage cuz it gave me a headache and here it is! The next chapter! See ya later. And oh 8 weeks left for me!

One of the exceeds: help!

And now...

Chapter 12- Judgement

With me, My/Reisha POV

My real name is A SECRET age is 12, first year highschool and I'm studying abroad so let's get on with story. I woke up, then took a bathe, then I wore a blue checkered polo with a yellow t-shirt that says 'Pop Music' then a maong pants [FYI: I'm a female!] then I wore flats then suddenly I remembered when that annoying white haired one said that she'll seduce the highest, hahaha! She is a fool, but there is something wrong here, but what is it? Whatever, I went out of my room then walked to the kitchen getting a pandesal(Filipino bread) then a Star margarine and milk after that I ate my breakfast, then I went back to my room, opening the door of the closet then I knocked five times at the wood and a portal appeared.

Reisha: I think I should judge.

I took my cellphone and called Lahar's lacrima, then he picked up.

Lahar: hello, this is Lahar speaking ,may I help you?

Reisha: hello Lahar, it's me, I wanted to take over the judgement as the highest.

Lahar: okay, I shall inform the other higher ups.

Reisha: good

Then I ended the call, then I took a box under my table which says 'highest', then I opened it which shows a white long sleeve blouse with gold linings, white jogging pants with blue and gold linings then a sky blue flats also a staff full of ancient writing with some jewels. I removed my previous clothes then wore my 'judge' clothes after that I went back to my closet and went inside the closet closing the door of it and went inside the portal leaving a note behind for Louie(addictedtoanime127) that says 'I'll be back after a day cover me up!' Before I entered the portal fully I heard "Pat, lumabas ka nga sa kwarto mo!(Pat, get out of your room!)" I entered the portal and it lead me into a mansion in the clouds. I went inside the mansion and it showed some guild masters, magic councillors, guild members and higher ups members bowing.

All of them: thank you for coming, Master Reisha!

Reisha: good job everyone we shall start the judgement!

I walked to the court which is filled of fairy tail, sabertooth, blue pegasus, lamia scale, mermaid heel and Quatro dogs members, I smirked all of them stood straight then saluted at me, I arrived at my seat which is at the front of the audiences, Lisanna Strauss A.K.A THE PERSON I WANTED TO KILL FOR A WHILE ALREADY arrived with the guards. She had a seductive look which made some female at the court want to kill her. I kept calm then put my staff at my sides then took a white robe with a lot of gold and silver linings and designs I wore it (it was open) then held the staff at my hands again, Whitey stood at the middle winking at the men which made all of them take out a knife, gun etc. out from their pockets and bags then pointed at her which made her flinch, shiver and gulp which made me laugh. She tried to walk to me but trapped by the runes, a green haired mage 'freed' made, I took a microphone then yelled

Reisha: the judgement begins!

One of councilors: Lisanna, are you guilty for hooking and cheating a lot of men, killing people, using a dark magic potion and threaten people?

Lisanna: of course not, those people are just, weak, useless piece of sh*t.


Everyone stood up which made me grin.

Reisha: I, Reisha Valentin Heartifillia, hereby that Lisanna STRAUSS, SHALL BE JAILED AT THE DEEPEST CELL OF THE JAIL!

I slammed the edge of my staff at the ground. The guards nodded then took her to the jail.

Lisanna: let go of me assholes!

They finally took her out of the court which made, a lot of people yelling at happiness and tears of joy. I left the court then went back home.

When I arrived at home.

"Patricia! Saan ka nangaling! At ano ang suot mo?!(Patricia! Where have you been! And what are you wearing?!)" a voice boomed.

"Sori, mama, nag attend lang ako ng cosplay party(Sorry, mom, I just attended a cosplay party" I said scratching my head.

"Basta wag mong ulitin(Just don't do it again)"


I ran at my room changing my clothes and ran to the dining room.

Chapter 12 end

Oh yeah finalists are,




Those three were left

We'll see you soon! Projects and home works kept coming.

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