The world of basketball

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Guys sorry for uploading late.

Chapter 17

*plays simpleng tulad mo by Daniel Padilla*
Lucy's POV
I opened my eyes in a room which is so big.

Lucy: Reisha! Tell me where am I! (What the heck is happening?)

Reisha's head popped out of the door near the bed.

Reisha: ah, you're awake, hurry up you have to go to school, I've enrolled you to a school called seirin and I received your uniform so brush your teeth, clean your body, eat breakfast, wear this uniform and go I'll give you instructions later.

I stood up and then went to the bathroom to clean my body and brushed my teeth,then went down the stairs and ate breakfast and took my school bag, wait where did I get it, well Nevermind I ran out of the house running towards a bus station. After a few minutes I ran towards a school and further until I arrived the teacher's office.

Teacher 1: ah you must be the new student, come follow me.

I nodded then followed the teacher and led me to a classroom, the students were silent waiting for the teacher to speak.

Teacher: everyone, we have a new student from America and I hope you that her well.

I stepped forward and smiled.

Lucy: hi! My name is Lucy Heartifillia, as you know I'm from America and don't worry I can speak Japanese.(what the heck am I saying?!)

Teacher: if you have questions please raise your hands.

One hand was raised

Teacher: yes, Nishikuma-kun

A boy with a raven hair stood up.

Nishikuma: why did you pick this school?

Lucy: ah well you see, this is the only school which is near my house.

Teacher: anymore questions?

No one raised their hands

Teacher: well then Heartifillia-san please sit beside Kagami-kun, kagami-kun please raise your hand.

The red head that I met yesterday raised his hands. Then I walked towards his direction and saw an empty sit and sat there.


Class was done then I tried to find a gym and I asked some students and they pointed me to a big gym as I enter the gym, I heard some ball bouncing then I felt an urge to play some ball game. I saw some boys playing. I then noticed the two boys from yesterday playing also, I sat at the bench and watched them play.

I saw Kagami doing a dunk them fell at the ground, the ball went inside the ring but something shocked me, the screws around the ring fell and the ring was heading towards me after all Kagami made it like that. You don't get it do you? I am sitting under the ring since there's a bench there.

Lucy: *whispers* sky dragon's lift

The ring landed slowly at my hands and I placed the ring at the bench. I looked the people in the court and they just gaped at me. A girl with a short brown hair with clips walked towards me. She took my hands and her eyes were sparkling. I think she's a senpai.

Senpai: waaaaa, how did you do that?

Then some of the boys ganged up on me including senpai and my two classmates, I grew nervous and found and opening them ran toward the opening and out of the gym.

Riko's POV
I took a paper fan and hit their heads

Riko: look what have you done! You scared the girl!

Kagami: well even managed to carry that heavy ring! I mean it's 190 kg!

Then it became quiet.

Riko: that bothers me, well we'll just ask her tomorrow if we see her.

Back to Lucy's POV

I arrived at home exhausted, I went to my room then took out me pajamas and went to the bathroom, stripping me clothes and took a dip at the warm water then do whatever a girl do before I slept.



Sooooo, how do you like it?

And can you please suggest which story should I write next, the choices is there -------------------------->

Please vote comment and suggest the next anime crossover you want.

I love you people.!

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