Feelings and good byes also a chara!

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Hi minna! Please comment your couple:

Natsu x Lucy - 2

Naruto x Lucy - 1

Kakashi x Lucy - 1

Sting x Lucy - 3

Rogue x Lucy - 1

Inuyasha x Lucy - 1

Please comment now and I'll get on with it.

Previously: I found out Zeref and my real father then I released my anger by capturing the akatsuki and I used up pretty much of my energy but I haven't caught all of them.

Chapter 5- feelings and good byes also a chara!

Lucy's POV

I woke up and found all of the boys except Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji. I hopped out of my bed then I opened a portal to the celestial world, when I entered Aries, Virgo and Leo welcomed me.

Lucy: may I speak with the captured ones?

Leo: you may

Lucy: *walks to the akatsuki*

Hidan: let me out you b****

Leo: please do not use nasty words in front of the princess

Lucy: well I'm taking you to Konoha, now! Akatsuki: sleep

The akatsuki slept and Lucy created a portal to The lady Hokage's office.

Tsunade: ah, Lucy what brings you here.

Lucy: these *show the akatsuki*

Tsunade: how?, they are very hard to capture especially the leader Sasuke's brother

Lucy: oh really?

Tsunade: *noticed Lucy's hand to disappear* Lucy your hand

Lucy: what the, I better tell Jellal about this! *creates a portal to the sand village* *runs through*

When I arrived at the other side I saw Jellal's hand to disappear.

Lucy: Jellal wake up!

Every one woke up.

Kakashi: Lucy, Jellal your hands are fading

Lucy: everyone go outside, Jellal I need your help

Jellal: *nods*

Every one is gathered already outside.

Gaara: what's the commotion ?

Lucy: we are starting to die in this world, I needed help to make a portal to get us home or else

Sasuke: or else what

Lucy: we die, Jellal now!

Jellal: *puts his hand on to Lucy's shoulder*

Lucy: portal......:.....make....:.......magnolia!

I used up all of my and Jellal's magic to create the portal.

Lucy: minna arigato, for being my family here even these short times and I always love you all

Kakashi: (there's no holding back now) Lucy, I really love you 0////0

Neji: Luce, I really love you too! >//////<

Sasuke: I like you, Lucy =////=

Sakura: Lucy thank you very much, though I'm always busy *starts to cry*

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