Chapter 3

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It had been the longest few days of her life. Her parents never left her for that long. Her father always reminded Abby to be patient with her mother. Though he was the one who's patience was being tested.

"How was the trip," Abby asked. They were walking side by side up the sidewalk outside a strip of mom and pop stores in town.

"How many times did your mother call you," her father asked, and a smirk curved his lips.

"About four times.. a day," Abby smiled at her father. They shared a laughed as he patted her on the back. This was how they coped with her mothers declining mental health.

"That sums up pretty nicely how the trip was," her father said. He grabbed the door to the hardware store. Abigail walked in taking in the chalky wood chip smell.


"Dad, are we going to be here long? I have studying to do," a young woman's voice sounded from the front end of the store. It was rare for women to come into this place, so when they did Albert took notice.

"You haven't even started the summer classes yet," the girl's father let out a genuine laugh. Albert could hear the man fumbling his finger in a bucket of nuts and bolts.

Albert was in the next aisle over at the one end where he sat on a stool price tagging cans of paint and wood finish. At the other end of it was a variety of ropes, and chains.

Normally he didn't pay mind to customers. He had been working at the hardware store for over twenty years. Now in his fifties he only managed it part time. Back in his late thirties he spent his life savings on that old black van. For a while he was doing well with all the children's parties. He meant what he said to Abigail the other day; he was a failed clown.

Albert just left out the part where his anger got the best of him. He wasn't one to make excuses, but  there was something therapeutic about taking out his pent up frustration on bratty kids.

When he was sane like this, going through his normal day to day he didn't feel like a monster. He didn't even know the so-called grabber. Albert dissociated that part of him a long time ago, that's how he was able to live this double life. Because just like those naughty boys he buried, he kept his dark secrets hidden deep under that basement. Hid his face behind masks, the same masks that he used to wear at parties to excite crowds of children. 

Albert tuned in again, something about that voice just sounded so familiar. The father stepped down the same aisle as Albert. He smiled, and raised his hand at Albert. He was a regular, though he didn't know the man's name.

The man rolled his eyes amusingly, and smiled in Albert's direction. Albert chuckled.

"Abby, can't you act out once and a while," he laughed, and grabbed a quart of wood stain.

Albert's eyes widened when he heard that name. Abigail. He kept his head down and prayed she didn't see him. He watched from the end of the aisle, as she turned the corner. 'There she is', he thought. His long gray hair fell over his face, as he continued to price tagged each item carelessly.

Her father was on his way to the front of the store. Albert could hear the young kid up front begin to ring him up. Abby still stood at the same aisle, she was staring at those ropes still. Lightly she dragged a finger over the rough fibers.

Now that they were alone; Albert took this opportunity.


"Do you need help, Miss. Abby" he whispered, coming up behind her, gripping his hand over the same rope she still had her fingertips on. It took everything in him not to wrap the rope around her neck and haul her into the back.

She gasped. So oblivious she hadn't even realized someone was there in the same aisle as her. She looked up at him over her shoulder. When their eyes met there was a sense of relief that came over her.

"Albert," his name rolled off her tongue light and airy.

His thin lips stretch into a tight smile. He loosened his grip on her hand, "Do you have a need for ropes," he smirked and his eyes shifted to the thick jute rope still between her fingers, "I don't have to worry about you going crazy on me do I?"

"No, no," She released it from her hand, and brought her fingers to her face to push her hair back, "you work here?"

Albert nodded, and pointed to his name tag that read  'AL'. Underneath his name said, 'Manger'

"I've been coming here my whole life, and I never noticed you," she pouted.

"Till now," he smiled, and winked at her.


She raised her brow and smirked.

"Abigail," her father called from the other end of the store. Albert and Abby separated at least a foot from each other.

"Sorry, dad I'm coming, "her cheeks flushed pink from embarrassment.

Abby stepped in, and whispered, "I guess I'll see you around."

She stuck out her hand for him to shake, but instead he reached forwards and stroked her cheek pinching as you would a child, "Go on get," he smiled.

She waved goodbye, and smiled. Albert laughed and waved back at her. Then she was gone once again.

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