Chapter 21

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6:00 pm

Abigail was laying her head against his bare chest. He caressed his hand over her long hair.; it was a dark shade of brown, and all throughout it was kinky waves. Although he was here with her all he could think about was him. Killing him to be precise. Albert had been planning to kill Finney for weeks now. There was no putting it off any longer. It had to be this week.

Albert watched Abigail sleep like he had done so many nights before, but this time was different. An overwhelming rush of sadness weighed over him as he stared down at her. He knew very well that if just one thing went wrong tomorrow. Then she would be gone from his life forever. Abigail would be nothing but a faint memory. A memory Albert was just lucky have. He was lucky just to have met her, or even just to have looked into those beautiful brown eyes.

There was too much turmoil, too much blood to hide, it forever coated his hands no matter how hard he scrubbed. First George, now Finney, and all the other boys inbetween.  Truth be told their relationship was destined to fail. He had lost her before he even had her.  If she found out the truth there would be no way he could take it all back. If at that point he would even want to.

Abigail jolted awake as if she could sense his worry and apprehension. Her eyes fluttered open, and she wiped the sleep from them. Then she yawned.

Albert cupped her face in his hand, and kissed her forehead. "I have to go soon," he whispered, "but you make it so hard to leave."

"Then don't leave," she whispered back. The way she batted her eyes at him made something in his heart twitch. Albert had to be firm, because if he didn't her sweet eyes would pull on his heart strings and he just might stay. Albert shook his head.

"No," he commanded, his voice was rough and harder than he intended it to come off, "I can't."

Abigail's eyes that were wide and filled with so much love for him narrowed, along with her brows that she furrowed. Abigail sat up abruptly in his bed, his sheet's loosely draped around her bare body. It was as if she couldn't bare their skin to touch.

Albert didn't know how to be firm without being aggressive. It was all hot or cold there was no in between. He could feel her cowering away from him like he was monster. Or she simply hiding her fragile heart from his wrath. Albert had a way of pulling her in just to push her away. Like the sea rolling in just to barely graze the shore.

Albert sighed, and then he leaned in to kiss her.   He was apologizing with his lips, and she was crumbling at the first sign of affection. Abigail was the queen of handing out second chances. He knew it was because she'd rather be loved than be alone.

Abigail kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck holding herself close to him. She pulled her lips from his just as their breathing was beginning to get hot and heavy.

"Albert, I don't understand why I can't come to work with you. It wasn't a problem before."

Albert adjusted his manhood, she had perfect timing. She knew just how to torture him, but perhaps he deserved it.

He groaned, and looked at her with his brows furrowed, "Baby, stop over thinking," he said softly. He was buying himself time to think.

She was right, but with all the preparing, and lying he didn't have room for one more white lie in his brain.  He couldn't think of a good one at least.

She shrugged her shoulders, "But it was a valid question. It doesn't make sense," she crossed her arms

"Abigail, we talked about this." They  hadn't, but Albert did what he did best and manipulated her. "Do you really want anyone getting suspicious of us? There's no good reason to take you there. Your father seems to have lighten up on your whereabouts, right?" He asked. Abigail nodded, silently.

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