Chapter 11

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"My parents are coming home tomorrow," Abigail said as she leaned down to kiss his lips. Albert was laying back on the couch. Abby was on top of him straddling his chest. She caressed his pectoral muscles with the tip of her index finger.

Albert glanced at the clock, and the big hand landed on the twelve, "you mean today," he whispered, and kissed her back.

Abby pulled back and nodded. She let out a sigh, and laid her head against his bare chest.

"Hey," he whispered, and she looked up at him, her eyes wide with a perplexed look on her face, "we will still be able to see each other. I told you not to worry."

A smile formed on her pink plump lips. Abigail raised her brows, "I-I didn't even say anything yet."

"You didn't have to," he placed his large hand on the back of her head and pushed her head against his chest, "I could see it in your eyes."

"And what if my dad-"

Albert laughed aloud, and grinned up at the ceiling, "Don't.. worry..,"He whispered and kissed the top of her head.

Despite Albert's attempt to alleviate her worries Abby still found herself sick over her stress.

Her parents weren't necessarily strict. They were extremely strict...Abigail always felt it was out of love. That's why she couldn't go to sleepovers, or birthday parties. She couldn't go trick or treating. She didn't even attend her own prom. The world wasn't safe enough for them. However she came to terms that it never was going to be. She begged them kicking and screaming to let her attend college out of state, even now they weren't keen on the idea. Especially with the news about Finny Blake going missing they were cracking down on all the loose ends. So it was safe to assume that dating a man who was twice her age was probably out of the question.

Her father leaned against her bedroom door. Abby looked up from the book she was reading. She picked up her floral bookmark that she got for Christmas, placing it delicately in between the pages and closed the book.

"Yess...," she in a singsongy tone, and raised her brows.

Her father smiled, "I think I need another vacation and I haven't even been home for five hours and she's driving me up the wall," he looked down at his watch.

Abby threw her head back and laughed.

"How about we go into town and grab some ice cream," he said pulled his wallet from his back pocket and checking the cash stuffed into the leather folders.

Abby slowly smiled at him, "If you're paying then how can I argue."

Her father rolled his eyes, "I'm always paying that's what dads do. Grab your shoes, let's go."

They took their usual route. The ice cream parlor was about a block away, and in order to get there they had to pass the hardware store.

"I should really check if they got anything new since last time do you mind if we make one stop," he asked, as he opened the door to the store.

Abby's eyes widened when she heard her fathers voice. It was falling into place just like Albert said it would. The plan was simple; Abby's father would go to the hardware store as he did frequently. They would just so happen to bump into Albert. After Albert buttered him up and then maybe in a week or so of course meetings she could introduce the idea of her dating to her parents. While Albert gave a couple of friendly neighborly waves in the meantime. Easy as pie.

"You don't mind do you," her father asked.

"You didn't really give me much of a choice, " Abigail laughed, and followed behind him.

Her father looked back and grinned.

Abby carried on normal, "I'm just kidding dad," she added. Abby watched his attention get swept away by the brand new lawn mowers that were set up next to the entrance.

Internally she was screaming that he actually did it. He walked into the store like there was a higher force guiding him there. Abby began to feel guilt in her stomach. She didn't want to hide Albert. In the same breath she also didn't want to introduce her strict parents to her fifty year old friend.

Abby looked around the store, but didn't see Albert. She would be lying to say she didn't feel a sense of relief. Albert never felt more like a strange till they were in public. Her father like home, was a safe. Albert didn't fit in this picture. Maybe that knot in her stomach wasn't guilt, maybe it was fear of the unknown.

'If it was a normal relationship you wouldn't have to hide it,' she thought.

If she left the shop, and ran would she escape this awful feeling. Or would he find her some way some how.Her father seemed to be in no sort of rush. Abigail walked down the length of the store. She turned down the last aisle, wandering aimlessly as she waited for her father. Any sign of Albert around wasn't looking promising.

Abby closed her eyes breathing in deep into her nose. How could she think all those awful thoughts. Albert had been nothing, but kind to her. A little different perhaps but he had welcomed her into his home. Shared true intimacy with her. He wasn't much of a stranger anymore. Even when he was, he had been the kindest one she ever met. He wasn't someone she needed to fear.

Albert stepped out of the back room, and rolled out a pallet of supplies out into the last aisle. He stopped completely when he saw her. Abigail wasn't facing him. He smiled. After all her worrying she made it just like he knew she would.

"Abby," a young girl's voice squealed with excitement, as she ran towards Abigail.

Albert stood where he was, he kept his head down as he listened. Abigail once told him she used to babysit the boy and his sister though Al couldn't tell if this was her. When he got a good look and as he analyzed the little girl, with her sandy brown hair he knew.

"Gwenie," Abigail's voice was gentle as she spoke to the young girl, "what are you doing here," she asked, a light, playful laugh followed.

"My dad made me tag along with him, ''Gwen replied and followed her comments with a roll of her eyes.

Abby laughed, "Welcome to the club," she held up her hand. The little girl slapped her small hand against Abigail's palm with a slap! The girl's face lit up with a smile.

Abby placed her hand onto the girl's shoulders extending her arm straight out, "How are you guys holding up," she asked.

Abby crouched down, getting closer to her level. Gwen wrapped her arms around her neck. Abby wrapped her up in her arms and ran her hand down Gwen's  long sandy hair. Gwen bowed her head, mumbled something inaudible. Abby wiped what he could only assume to be tears from her cheek.

A customer approached the aisle, and Abigail stood up immediately. Abigail swapped places with the little girl stepping in between them and Gwen, shielding her from the strangers with her body. The stranger reached to grab something off the shelf. Now Abby was facing Albert's direction, and he peeked his head up to catch a better look. Abigail glared at the stranger till they left the aisle. She was protective of the girl, like a motherly instinct kicked in. He took note of this. It dawned on him that outside their relationship, outside his house he didn't know this as well as he thought he did.

Abigail nodded slowly. Then she caught a glimpse of Albert and her eyes darted to him. She half smiled at him, but returned her focus back to the child. He returned the smile but Abigail's eyes had already left him before he could get a chance. Al began to stock one pint paint cans on the shelves that were in the middle of the aisle. He was trying to listen closely.

"Abby," the girl said as her voice traveled down the desolate aisle, "D-do you still have the dreams," she asked...

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