Father Tré & 41liscious

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I was woken up by Tré fucking Cool jumping like a maniac on my damm bed.

"Dammit Tré! What the hell!?" I shrieked.

"It's Father Tré to you!" he exclaimed as he continued to jump on the bed like a wild animal.

"I am NEVER calling you that." I huffed.

He stopped jumping, pouted and flopped down on the bed and pretended to cry.

SO freaking dramatic I tell ya..

I sighed. "Fine I'll call you father Tré if it'll make you happy."

Tré stopped crying and hugged me. "Yay!" he exclaimed. He helped me up and we started jumping on the bed like maniacs.

Oh but it was fun!

"Wait" Tré and I stopped jumping. "I almost forgot why I came to woke you up" he gasped. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Today's Billie Joe's birthday so we are going to his house for a partaaaay!" Tré wore a massive grin. I laughed. "Sweet."

"So let's go eat something!" he declared and lifted me over his shoulder and ran out of the room and down the stairs. I giggled and starting punching his back playfully. "Father Tré put me down!" I yelled. "Never!" he exclaimed.

"Frank Edwin Wright the third put me down now!" I exclaimed. Suddenly he came to a stop and set me down not so gracefully.

"What did you call me?" he asked. He looked a little pissed but in a joking way.

I smirked "Frank Edwin Wright the third" I repeated.

Before I knew it I was running away from him in his mansion of a house. I had no idea where I was going. Tré knew that too seeing as for the most part I was basically running in circles.

Tré finally caught me and tackled me to the floor. I let out a yelp as I hit the floor.

He had me pinned down. "Any last words?" he smirked.

"Can I have some waffles before you kill me?" I asked with my most innocent smile.

Pfft, innocent my ass.

Tré's eyes lit up and he smiled. "Absolutely!" He helped me up and we ran into the kitchen and made chocolate chip waffles with whip cream and chocolate syrup.

Father Tré could definitely never be a serial killer.

So we're safe there.

"Father Tré you've got some whip cream on your face."

"Wha..? Where?" he asked.

"Right there." I flicked some whip cream off of my fork onto his face.

He gasped and I burst out laughing. Then Tré flung some whip cream at my face. I shrieked and he started laughing. I tackled him to the ground and took the bottle of chocolate syrup and squirted it all over his face and shirt. He shrieked and I could not stop laughing.

"Okay! Okay! OKAY! I give, I give!" Tré surrendered. I got off of him and smirked.

"Well I guess I'll go take a shower." I glanced down at my whip cream and chocolate stained pyjamas. I walked upstairs and into my room. I took a nice warm shower in peace.

I blow dried my hair and then grabbed some clothes to wear. I slipped on my ripped black skinny jeans, a black Nirvana sweatshirt and my black Converse high tops.

I walked back into the bathroom and straightened my hair. I put on some black eyeliner and was good to go.

It turns out I took longer to get ready than I thought. I walked downstairs to see Tré passed out on the couch. He was wearing a black The Beatles shirt and black jeans with a leather jacket and red Converse high tops.

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