Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge (part one)

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My date with Dylan was amazing. It was so simple but that's what made it so great. He snuck us back into the deserted little arcade where he had set up a picnic like dinner. He hooked up a projector and screen so we could watch a movie. And after that, I kicked his ass at Pacman. So needless to say, I had a great time. 

Coming home however was a different story.

"I'm home!" I shouted. 

"In the living room Ryls!" Tre shouted back. I took off my shoes and headed into the living room to find everyone, and I mean everyone sitting in there. They all had the same expressions. Sympathy, concern, and even guilt. 

They might as well have put up a big banner on the wall that said "INTERVENTION" like they did in How I Met Your Mother.

I then noticed that Sam was also here. What the hell was this bitch doing in my house?! Well, Tre's house.

"Rylee do you know what time it is?" Tre asked calmly. 

"Uhhh, 10:39..?" (A/N: get it ;]) I asked.

"Yup. And why are you only getting home now?" he asked.

"Uhm, cause I was on a date." This was getting ridiculous. Sure I've done some things that would upset Tre like running away or swearing profusely but he knew I was out on a date and had now gathered EVERYONE into the house to sit here and watch him ask me stupid questions.

Sam's smirk was replaced with a glare when I said the word date. I smirked at her tauntingly. 'What are you gonna do about it bitch?' I thought to myself.

"Tre, I know you did not call us all over here just so you could ask Rylee questions like this. You already know where she was and she's home in one piece before midnight. We all know you were waaaay worse than her at her age so lighten up would ya?" Adrienne spoke up causing everyone's eyes to widen slightly at her sass. Damn Adrienne. Coming in clutch.

Tre pouted. "I wasn't even that bad.."

Billie and Mike laughed at this. "You're kidding right?" they asked at the same time making Tre roll his eyes.

"Last I checked, we were here because of Rylee and her shenanigans" Tre spoke up.

"Sit down Father Tre, this is an intervention" I winked at him causing him to glare playfully. 

"I'm sorry Ryls. I overreacted but I can't help it. Sam told me all about Dylan and I think it's best that you don't see him anymore." 

Oh hell no.

I looked over at Sam. She smirked at me and waved tauntingly.

"Really? Did she also tell you that she just got out of the asylum a few months ago and doctor's say she still doesn't have control over her psycho ass compulsive lying issues?" I asked calmly.

"Rylee you can't talk about our guests that way" Tre replied.

"Guest? More like pain in my ass. I don't know why this chick hates me so bad dad but she does and it's getting really old, really fast" I sighed. 

I looked over at Adrienne. She looked rather proud of me. She definitely was not Sam's biggest fan and had no issue in saying that. I don't think anyone else in the room- not even Jakob- liked Sam, but they kept their mouths shut. 

"Alright Rylee that's enough. You've obviously had a long day, maybe you should go up to bed." How fucking patronizing. Why was Tre acting like this? What could Sam have possibly told him that he was choosing her side of the story and wouldn't even hear mine? 

'More like what didn't Sam say?' I thought coldly. Oh yeah, she was going to get it alright. 

I left the room without another word and marched up to my room. I slammed my door shut. Childish, I know. But it would get the point across. 

I grabbed my phone and dialed a certain friend's number. He answered almost instantly. 

"Hey Ryls, what's up? Long time no talk" 

"Hey Bam, yeah I'm really sorry about that. School's been rough but do you have any plans tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. If I was gonna get Sam back, I was going to do it with style.

Jackass style.

"Nope tomorrow's looking pretty free. Wanna go skate?" 

"Hell yeah I do! What time are you thinking?" I asked, a smile plastered on my face.

"Hmm, I could come pick you up at noon if that's cool" Bam proposed.

"Yeah that sounds great, I'll see you tomorrow Bam" 

"Can't wait Ryls, sweet dreams" and with that, the call ended.

That little bitch isn't gonna know what hit her.

My phone buzzed in my hand. I looked down and saw I had a text from Dylan. (A/N: italics is Dylan, bold is Rylee, in case it gets too confusing for ya)

'So my little rat of a sister told my mom that I was out tonight having sex with a minor and all these other lies so needless to say, it's gonna be difficult to see you now :('

This chick was so dead. I had already mapped it out in eleven different ways.

 'Seriously? She's downstairs in my living room right now. She must have said something similar to my dad cause he wouldn't even hear me out'

'Oh yeah, she's got that little angel routine down. Has ever since she was seven. Can't wait for the day my rents find out she's actually Satan.'

I couldn't help but laugh at the accuracy in his statement. 'Well what if I told you that I have a little plan on getting her back?'

'I'd say it better be a huge plan that makes her cry cause after hearing what she did to your locker, I wanted to ship her to Iraq.'

'Yeah little is an understatement. I'm getting some help from a friend of mine. You in?' 

'Anything for you babe :)'

I smiled to myself. Perfect. 

Now I just had to pray that we would get everything set up in time for the Homecoming dance. Because if I was going to hit Sam hard, I wanted the whole entire school to see it. I may be one evil little girl, but she started a battle that I am more than ready to finish.

I love it when a good plan comes together.

. . .

A/N: Heyyyyyooooooo!

Happy day after Super Bowl friends! I don't actually give a flying fuck about football or the Super Bowl tbh but if you do then you keep on doing you and Go Broncos or some shit.

This was more of a filler, Rylee's plan is coming together. She's out for revenge and yeah I totally used MCR's album as my chapter title. I am emo trash and I'm not apologizing for it any time soon.

Anyway, next chapter will be the better of the two (I hope). But comment some feedback if you want and vote for this thing and whatnot. Thanks babes xo. 

Rage & Love ~

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