Breaking the habit

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It was around 11:30 at night when Dylan had brought me home. And my phone had died while I was at the arcade with Dylan. I felt bad, but at the same time, I didn't.

I like to think that I deserved to have some fun tonight. And needless to say, I did. Dylan and I were definitely going to hang out more often.

Dylan decided to get out of his car and walk me up to the door of my- Tre's house.

I accidentally stumbled into him which caused him to laugh. "Remind me not to let you smoke too much next time" he smirked down at me, steadying me by wrapping his arm around my waist.

I couldn't help but blush, being slightly embarassed and having him touch me was a bit much for my smoked out mind.

I maaaaaay be over exaggerating, I can't really tell.

"Did you have a good time tonight though?" Dylan asked me as we stood on the porch. I nodded at him, smiling up at him.

"Oh don't tell me you're gonna go all quiet on me now, are you?" he asked, bending down so that his face was level with mine. My breath hitched at how close we were to each other.

This didn't go unnoticed by him, and a small smirk formed on his face. He knew the effect he had on me. That couldn't be too good, right?

"Can I kiss you?" he asked. 

I smiled at him and tried not to laugh. I nodded. 

He leaned forward and just as his lips brushed mine...

..the door swung open. Revealing a not too impressed Tre.

"Rylee, so good for you to come back and join us. Who's this?" he motioned towards Dylan. 

"Oh I'm Dylan, nice to meet you sir" Dylan stuck out his hand for Tre to shake. Only Tre didn't shake his hand. He just stared at him.


"Right. Well Rylee it's late, say goodbye to Derek" Tre looked pissed. This wasn't gonna end well. I'd never really dealt with an angry Tre before. Surprisingly. 

"It's Dylan," I corrected, looking at Dylan. "good night Dylan" 

He chuckled. "Night Ryls" and with that, he kissed me on the cheek and left. 

Instinctively, my hand reached up to my cheek where Dylan had just kissed me. A little smile formed on my face. But as soon as I turned around and looked at Tre, my smile instantly disappeared. 

"H-hey father Tre" I tried to joke, but my stutter gave away that I was indeed scared. I'd never seen Tre upset or angry. I was not ready for this at all.

"Get in the house Rylee" Tre's voice was emotionless as he walked in the house, not waiting on me.

Oh boy.

Timidly, I walked into the house and gently shut the door behind me. Judging by the lighting, I assumed that Tre had went into the living room. 

I noticed that no one else was here except for Tre and I. Adrienne was always good at bailing me out of the bad situations I put myself in with Tre. Guess I had to just suck it up and deal with the lecture I was about to be given and deserved. 

I hated how quiet Tre was being. It actually scared me. I took a deep breath and exhaled but even my breathing was shaky and gave away how nervous/anxious I was.

"Rylee, I'm trying so hard to stay calm about this. About how whenever you don't like what is going on; you run away. I don't know where you go. You just run. And that scares me. You're only fifteen do you have any idea what kind of psychos are out there?" 

I couldn't look at Tre so instead I looked at my feet but nodded. I felt bad. I was gonna give the poor guy a heart attack but I just couldn't help it. He was right. Whenever I had a problem arise, I ran. It's always been that way. 

"AND when you say you'll be home by a certain time, I EXPECT you'll be here at that time. Got it?" And in that moment, Tre actually sounded like a father, not just my best friend. 

"Yes dad, I'm so sorry okay? You're right... about everything. Running away has always been my solution for everything and it's a habit that I'm going to try and break. I'm sorry.. father Tre." I looked up at him and his eyes softened. Thank god.

"Come here Rylee" Tre opened his arms, signalling that I give him a hug. And I did. 

This man took me in and I'm so careless about his simple rules. I'm fucking terrible. And I need to change. I'm not a runaway orphan anymore. I have a home, a dad, a FAMILY. And yes it all happened so fast and is a lot for me to take in but I got to stop making excuses for myself all the time. 

Without realizing it, I was crying. Ew.

Tre noticed almost instantly and pulled back so he could wipe away my tears. "Hey hey, don't do that Ryls. You're okay, right?"

I nodded and let out a shaky laugh. "It's just, you've given me everything I wanted and I can't even repay you" 

He looked like he was going to cry. So I mimicked him in hopes that he would laugh rather than cry.

"Hey hey, don't do that father Tre. You're okay, right?"

And thankfully, he laughed at my smart ass remark.

"Oh Rylee, I just worry about you because I care. You're my daughter now. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

I couldn't help but smile. "And you're my dad now. I promise I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to run away anymore when something happens that I don't like. I'm going to break the habit father Tre, I promise."

He chuckled and pulled me back in for another hug. 

. . .

A/N: Talk about a sapfest chapter, dear god. 

So I got a message a couple weeks ago from a girl who claims she's a good friend of frankito, and maybe she is, I don't really know or care tbh. But she did bring up how "unrealistic" Tre is in this story. I had to remind her that this is simply FANFICTION and I'm just making Tre sound/act the same way all Green Day fans would expect him to. Right? Right. 

ANYWAY, I decided to make Tre seem more realistic and "father like" in this chapter. 

I plan on doing multiple updates on this story seeing as it's been several months since I've updated it and I just got a bunch of ideas for it at once. 



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