Taking Risks

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"Hey Dylan, it's Rylee." I waited for his answer.

"Oh hey cutie. What's up?" Dylan asked. Thank Jebus he can't see me right now cause I can feel myself blushing hoyl fuck. .

"Oh nothing really. Super bored and was uh wondering if you wanted to uhm.. hang out?" I managed to stutter out.

"Yeah Rylee, I'd love to." Dylan answered.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I get it that it's a dumb idea but- wait a minute did you just say yes?"

I heard him laugh into the phone, "yes I said yes. Where's your house? I can come pick you up" I heard him pick up what she assumed was his car keys.

"Uhm actually, I'm at In-N-Out right now on *INSERT A STREET NAME FROM CALIFORNIA HERE*"

"Oh okay perfect, I don't live to far from there. I'll be there in ten if that's okay" Dylan said causing me to smile.

"Yeah that sounds good, I'll see you soon"

"See ya then Ryls" He said back.

I smiled as I hung up my phone. I needed a distraction from what had happened back at Tre's earlier.

Why was I so jealous? Jakob can be with anyone he wants. But I couldn't help but think about what Adrienne said. Jakob liked me? Well he did kiss me and we got along pretty well. But as much as I dislike his snobby girlfriend, she IS prettier than me.

I sighed as I entered the In-N-Out restaurant before me.

"What can I get for you dear?" The somewhat ederly cashier asked.

"Uh can I just get a chocolate milkshake and some fries?"

"Of course you can. And don't worry about the charge, it's on me." The lady smiled down at me.

"Oh, why thank you miss. That's very kind of you" I tried to smile.

"Oh don't mention it love. Dry your eyes and I'll get Johnny to bring your food out to you."

I didn't even realize that I had been crying, god damn that's embarassing. I wiped at my tears with my shirt sleeve and let out a little laugh. "Thanks again.. Dalia" I read her nametag out loud.

"Anytime.." she trailed off.

"Rylee" I smiled.

"Anytime Rylee" she smiled a very sincere smile. What a nice lady. I decided to walk into the bathroom and fix my face up before Dylan comes. I got rid of the smudged eyeliner on my face and applied a bit of concealer so I looked somewhat decent and human looking again.

By the time I got out and sat down, I only waited maybe two minutes when, well who I assumed to be Johnny brought over my shake and fries.

"Thanks Johnny" I smiled up at him.

"Not a problem" he smiled back and headed back behind the counter.

I ate a couple fries and got lost in my thoughts again. I didn't realize that someone had sat down opposite me.

"Hello? Rylee you in there?" Dylan asked, waving his hand in front of my face, startling me a bit.

"Oh shit sorry Dylan. Hey!"

He looked at me kind of funny. "You okay there Rylee?" he asked looking very confused. I let out a sigh. "No not really. But I don't wanna talk about it." I admitted.

Dylan stared at me, thinking about something and then he nodded. "That's fine. I'm gonna grab something to eat okay?" I nodded at him as he got up and went to order.

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