I've figured out, I love you

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A/N: Hello loves.

I'm gonna start this chapter off with a A/N at the beginning and I really hope you guys read what I have to say. I am deeming it important as fuck.

It's been brought to my attention that I don't know a lot of my readers very well. And that is something I want to change. So leave me a message sometime and let's get to know each other.

I found out today that last night another person that I went to high school with had committed suicide. When I found out, it broke my heart. It upsets me because that person will never know what life has in store for them. They will never know the feeling of travelling to a new country, marrying the love of their life, or holding their baby for the first time in their arms. And that breaks my heart more than anything.

Suicide is scary and suicide is real. It was nearly two years ago that yours truly had attempted to commit suicide herself. I had nothing and no one to live for. Or so I thought. But the truth is is that you are NOT alone. And if you truly feel like you are alone well honestly, you are wrong. Because you have me. As of right now. And I fucking mean that okay? Okay.

I don't want any of you to feel as if committing suicide is the answer. 

"Suicide does not end the chance of things getting worse. Suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better."

So please, I beg of you, stay fighting. Stay strong. Stay (sic) -Corey Taylor, and stay you. Because no one is going to ever be a better you than you. You've got this. This is your life, so fucking live it and love every minute of it. 

Okay, sorry for the rant. Here's the chapter.

. . .

We sat there for what felt like forever but in reality it was maybe ten minutes.

"Rylee I'm really sorry. I should have said this way earlier. Way before the whole locker thing. Hell, even before that one awkward dinner. But I said nothing. And I wish I could turn back time. Now things are just a mess between us." Jakob admitted after a few moments of silence. I was taken back by what he said. 

I should have been happy with his apology. 

"Jakob I think this all happened for a reason, y'know?" I cringed as I let a 'y'know' slip from my lips but carried on anyway. "We're in different stages in our lives I guess. We're not meant to be together." I sighed.

"Ever?" he asked, looking very sad at my response.

"I never said that. Maybe we'll end up together. You never know. But for right now, I'm with Dylan and you're with Sam. We have all the time in the world to worry about our future lovers. Right now we have so much else to discover in the world. So much to experience." I explained. His eyes softened at my answer.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" he asked, making me blush slightly. He chuckled when he noticed but shortly after stopped. "I don't know if I made it obvious at all but I only ever really got with Sam to make you jealous." 

"WHAT?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"I know, I know. It's the childish and most fucked up thing I could do but I did it anyway. And I don't regret it anymore because well, I ended up getting alone time with you and we are finally talking it out." he explained.

That smug bastard.

I couldn't help but laugh though. "Well when you put it that way, how can I be mad at you?" I asked with a smirk.

"You're not mad...?"

"I'm not mad Jakob. I'm just disappointed." I said making him groan and mutter something about how I sound like his mother.

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