My bestfriend is a 43 year old woman with dreads

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Dinner with the Armstrongs is always interesting. Okay, let me rephrase that. Dinner with Green Day and the Armstrongs is always interesting. Billie Joe is always talking whether his face is full of food or not. Tre is the world's biggest three year old at the table. Joey pretends he's playing the drums, CONSTANTLY. Jakob plays footsies with me and I do my best to ignore him. Mike, well, he's Mike. The only one that is the least bit normal is Adrienne. 

Then there's me being the awkward turtle in this situation. 

"So how was your first day Rylee?" Adrienne decided to engage a conversation with me, smiling sweetly. "Oh yeah shit Ryls," Tre wiped his mouth not so discreetly. "how was school?" I rolled my eyes playfully. "School was..." I trailed off and glanced at Jakob discreetly. I noticed his cheeks had a pink tint to them. Either that, or I was imagining things. 

I'm gonna go with option number two.

"I mean.. school is school so... it sucked." I heard Mike and Billie snickering and I sent a playful glare in their direction which made them shut up.

Like a boss.

I didn't just say that.

"Ahh I should've known. Never did like school." Tre stroked his invisble beard, which was from his cheeks to his chin. And I guess he didn't notice that he had ketchup on his fingers so he ended up smeering it all over his face. When he realized, the whole dinner table burst out laughing, including Tre.

Poor little not-so-bright but incredibly awesome Tre.

When dinner was over, I helped Adrienne clean up and do the dishes. Her and I have gotten closer and closer so it wasn't as awkward and we could talk for hours.

"So how was school Rylee?" Adrienne interrogated. 

I chuckled "Like I said before, it's school.. it sucks." 

That made her laugh. "You know what I mean Ryls. Talk to any cute boys?" 

"I sure did." I immediately thought of Jakob. I wasn't gonna tell her that.

"That's good. They nice?" she asked as I handed her the remaining plates. 

"Yup. Really nice actually." I smiled and she smiled back.

"Well that's good." 

We finished up in record-breaking time and all hung out in the music room. Me and Jakob were sitting pretty close to each other and I was hoping that no one would catch on. 

"Hey Ryls why don't ya play with us again?" Mike spoke up after they finished playing Letterbomb. 

"Yeah c'mon Ryls. Unless you're uh, comfy the way you are" Jason winked at me and I caught Billie smirking at me. Tre as well. 

I couldn't help but blush. But I didn't want everyone to catch on. So I had to be cocky. "Yeah I'm in, if you guys can keep up" I smirked at them as I got off the couch and walked towards them. Adrienne, Britt, her kids, Joey and Jakob all 'oooh'ed'.

Billie just chuckled. "Alright little miss cocky Rylee Cool. Let's see what you got." He handed me his glittery Les Pauls and I slipped it on. I took my Nirvana pick out of my pocket and began to strum a bit to warm up. Then I began that infamous riff. They caught on almost instantly.

I lost my way oh baby this stray heart

Went to another

Can you recover baby? 

Oh you're the only one that I'm dreaming of

You're precious heart was torn apart by me and you

You're not alone,  oh and now I'm where I belong

We're not alone, oh I'll hold your heart and never let go

And that was when I made the mistake to make eye contact with Jakob. 

Everything that I want, I want from you

But I just can't have you

Everything that I need, I need from you

But I just can't have you

Billie had me do the honours of performing the guitar solo and then we finished off the song. Everyone stood up and cheered and I stole a glance at Jakob and caught him wink at me. Or I imagined it happen. Either way, it made me blush a shade of scarlet. 


Before I knew it, Tre and I were back home. I yawned super loud and it cause Tre to laugh. Soon enough, he yawned. "HA! Karma." I teased. "Oh shut up Rylee." Tre pouted. Pouted. Oh it is on.

"Y'know what? Fine." I sniffled and pretended to fake cry as I headed towards the stairs. I heard foot steps behind me. "Whoa whoa hey Ryls hey I was kidding." Tre spoke panicy as he followed close behind me. I stopped on the stairs. I fake sniffled again. "It didn't seem like it." My back was still faced to him thank god, otherwise he would've seen the huge smile on my face.

"Well I was Rylee. I'm really really sorry I just, I didn't know you were that sensitive I was only- AHH!" his sentence was cut off by his own girly shriek cause in that split second I spun around and lunged at him causing us to fall on the floor and roll a bit, with me on top of him pinning his shoulders down on the floor.

"Gotcha!" I smiled at him. At first he was in shock but after a few seconds it clicked in his wittle peanut brain. "Dammit Rylee you had me shitting my pants a few seconds a go." he attempted to scold me but ended up chuckling.

 "I know," I smirked. "that was the point father Tre." I got off of him and helped him up. Tre weighs more than he looks cause when I pulled him up, he ended up pulling me down on the floor. Face first.

Fucking finger fucker.


"Oh shit Rylee, my bad." Tre rolled me over and picked me up bridal style and headed up the stairs.

"No, no. I deserved that. With karma and what not." I pinched the bridge of my nose and Tre just chuckled at me. 

He set me down on my bed and kissed my forehead. 

"Good night Rylee"

"Good night... you fuckhead." 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Well guess who decided to update? Yup, this bitch right here.

First off, I'm sorry but I haven't had much inspiration lately. I'm failing some classes right now and I need to get those grades up so I've been working on that. 


OH, and I met my boyfriend's parents that night and it was terrfying at first but they are lovely people. 

And I made out with my boyfriend after the concert and lost my voice and didn't have school the next day cause it was cancelled due to the shitty weather and honestly I wouldn't changed a thing cause it was tHE BEST NIGHT OF MY EXISTENCE AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEM AGAIN.

Oh, and my hair is purple now :3

Well enough about my life, tell me what you thought of this brutal chapter (quite the name for it right? I'm trying to make the chapter titles as ridiculous as possible). Vote & comment pretty please. And happy 420. 

Rage + Love ~

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