One awkward day

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I woke up to the sound of an air horn.

I'm not sure what's worse, the noise that comes from an air horn, or the fact that I wasn't totally phased that Tre had decided to wake me up with an air horn.

"Really? I grumbled into the pillow. 

"Rylee come on, we've been over this. I can't understand you when you talk into your pillow."

I sighed very over dramatically and looked up at Tre through my extremely messy hair. Tre looked as if he was trying to contain his laughter. 

"Why an air horn Tre? Just, why?" I asked. Getting up from my bed and dragging myself over to my closet to find something to wear. 

"I don't know, I'm trying to spice it up"  Tre spoke nonchalantly.  

"I do have an alarm clock you know..." I muttered, grabbing a shirt with John Lennon on it, a red flannel shirt, and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans.  

"I know silly, your alarm clock is me!" Tre beamed, causing me to roll my eyes and chuckle. 

"Oh Tre..." I sighed causing him to raise his eyebrows at me.

"I mean, father Tre" 

This made him smile like an idiot. 

Heh. Idiot.

Tre left my room to go make some breakfast and I threw my clothes on and decided to actually attempt to look sorta nice today. 

Why is that? I'm not entirely sure.

It's because you have class with Jakob today you little shit, don't lie.

Oh great, now I'm hearing voices, greaaaaaat.

I straightened my hair to perfection which has never ever happened before. I decided to do winged eyeliner today because why the hell not? I added a little bit of concealer and was good to go. 

I headed down into the kitchen to find that Tre had made breakfast BLT sandwiches. What a gem.

"Well don't you look nice. What's the occasion?" Tre asked, with his mouth full of food.

I shook my head smiling at him. "No occasion. Are you saying I don't look nice all the time..?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

Tre sighed over dramatically. "Rylee what is with women? Why can't they ever just take a compliment normally!?" he joked causing me to laugh. 

A couple minutes later, the door bell rang. Tre ran over to answer it. At the door was Billie Joe and Joey. 

"OH MY GOD RYLEE LOOK WHO IS AT THE DOOR. IT'S BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG OH MY GOD!!!" Tre squealed like a fan girl and literally tackled Billie Joe to the ground. This caused me to laugh really damn hard. Even though Tre does this to Billie almost every time he comes to the door. 

"Tre, this would be a lot less annoying if you would have at least tackled me on the grass, not the porch." Billie groaned. 

"Would it actually be, though?" Joey asked, smirking down at the site before him. 

"It'd be less authentic, not like Tre at all." I added, smirking as well.

"Shut it you two." Billie muttered.

Joey just high fived me and I grabbed my school bag, following him to the car. 

I stopped in my tracks once we got to the car. Oh god. Of course she was in there.

All over Jakob too. Gross. 

"Okay you know she'd have to get a rid with us eventually right?" Joey asked me. 

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