Rock n Roll sleepover

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"I got a rock n roll band! I got a rock n roll life! I got a rock n roll girlfriend, and another ex wife!!!" Tré sang at the top of his lungs while jumping like a maniac on one of the many couches that occupied the living room.

"It still amazes me that you're the adult here" I muttered and heard a little chuckle from Frankito.

"Oh learn to have fun Rylee" Mike gave me a nookie. I pulled away and fixed my hair. "Hey man I know how to have fun"

"Oh yeah?" Mike smirked at something that was behind me. Oh no...

Before I knew it I was being picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder. I let out a screech way more higher than I would like to admit. "Prove it!" Billie Joe chuckled as he started running while carrying me. "Billie Joe put me down!" I shouted. He continued laughing and took me outside. Oh no!

"No no no no no no no! Billie please put me down!" He was approaching the pool. He stopped for a moment. "Billie let me go!" "Very poor choice of words love" he smirked and before I knew it, a rush of bitter coldness over took my body. Son of a bitch threw me in the pool. I pushed myself up to the surface of the pool and a thought crossed my mind.

"H-help!" I started flopping around like a maniac. Billie's eyes showed fear. "I c-c-can't swi-" I went under temporarily to make it more dramatic. I stayed under for almost a minute before I felt someone's arm wrap around my waist and pulled me close to them. I figured it was Billie and I tried my best to be dead weight and he pulled me to the surface.

I was laying on the cold concrete ground. I decided to keep my eyes closed.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" was all I could hear. I wanted to laugh but kept the act going. "Shit!" Billie cursed again. I felt his fingers pinch down on my nose. He was gonna go mouth-to-mouth. I had to stop faking.

So I started laughing.

That got his attention.

"Rylee?" he asked, removing his fingers from my nose.

"Gotcha" I opened my eyes and smiled innocently. The fearful expression on his face soon turned into an angry but thankful one. "God damn Rylee you scared the living shit out of me!" At this point we were laughing uncontrollably and I was incredibly cold and visibly shivering. Billie noticed and gave me his big burly The Doors hoodie.

"PIZZA'S HERE!!!" We heard Tré holler in a screeching voice.

"I think I'm gonna start calling Father Tré Screeching Weasel instead." I admitted. That made Billie laugh that infectious laugh of his. We headed inside to find everyone gathered around the table grabbing their slices and booking it into the living room.

Everyone except one.


When the fuck did he get here?

"Hi" he said sheepishly.

"Hi." I spoke with no emotion. I grabbed two slices of pizza and a can of cherry coke. "Can we talk?" Jakob asked. "We are right now." My bitch mode had been turned on ever since I saw him standing in my (well Tré's) kitchen.

He sighed "Rylee I don't know what I did but ever since I started dating Sam you haven't been talking to me. We haven't hung out. It's been awkward."

"It hasn't been awkward. It's only awkward if you say it's awkward." I stated.

"Yeah well I'm saying it's awkward." he shot back.

"Well that's your problem then cause I don't think it's awkward." and with that I walked passed him into the living room. I heard a sigh and heard Jakob mutter something along the lines of "Fuck my life"

I walked in and noticed Joey sitting on one of the couchs. His eyes lit up and he smiled big while patting the seat next to him. I sat down beside him. "Holy shit Rylee I haven't seen you in forever I thought you died!" he nearly exclaimed. I chuckled "Yeah I'm a hermit like that" He rolled his eyes playfully. "Well I heard you got some ink done, let's see" I showed him my wrist, my ankle, and my hip tattoos. He chuckled "Atta girl. 3 tattoos at once!?" "Yeah, yeah I know. I'm the motherfucking champion." I stated nonchalantly. We burst out laughing. It couldn't be a more perfect timing too cause Jakob walked in, noticed us, and even looked a bit hurt.

I'm aware that I'm a bitch, leave me alone!

"Aren't you cold?" Joey asked. "Slightly. But this big ass hoodie does the trick" I noted. Billie looked up and smiled a smile full of cheese pizza.

So much cuteness.

I mean, what?

"Yeah that thing is massive on you! I thought dad was tiny but you're like waaay tinier." Joey sounded astonished. "Thank you..?" I replied. He just chuckled. "But I should probably put on something warm." I tossed Billie his hoodie and headed upstairs.

Once I was in my room, I slipped off my wet clothes and removed my makeup. I put on concealer, a tad bit of eyeliner and mascara. Being insecure sucks okay?

I took off my wet undergarments and put on some cleaner ones. I slid on a Pierce The Veil loose fitting tank and some black girl boxer shorts. I put my hair in a messy bun and was good to go. I turned around and was nearly scared shitless to find someone standing at the door.


"Were you there the whole time?" I asked unimpressed. He just smirked and subtly checked me out. I rolled my eyes and went to walk past him when he blocked my way. "I figured it out Ryls," he continued to smirk down at me. "You're jealous of Sam. You want to be with me." I scoffed. "No I'm not jealous of Sam, Jakob. You messed with my emotions and I was stupid enough to get attached. Then a few weeks later you start dating some random chick. I'm not jealous of her, I'm just pissed off at you." And with that, I pushed him out of the way. But to my surprise he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

If that wasn't enough, I actually kissed him back.

We both pulled away and stared at each other in shock.

"Uh sorry I-"

"I uh. I gotta go" I cut Jakob off and ran down the stairs. I grabbed Billie's hoodie back from him, slipped on my grey vans and booked it out the door, ignoring everyone that was calling my name.

I ran down about six blocks before I stopped. I took out my phone and made one of those last minute crazy decisions.

I took out my phone and dialed a number.


"Hey Bam it's Rylee. Do you wanna go for a skate or something?"

- - - - -


Do you love me yet? No? Okay.

Well there should be plenty more updates to come... cause y'know it's summer and I didn't have to go to summer school bitches!!

Anyway, comment & vote please and thank you!

Rage + Love ~

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