Meeting Frankito and getting tatted up

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I groaned really loud at the sound of my alarm clock. 

Meh. School.

I rolled out of bed and walked over to my massive closet to pick out an outfit for the day. I slipped on a Sex Pistols shirt and some black leggings with vertical rips on the front. I found my black Doc Martens and slipped those on as well. My hair was still pretty straight looking so I just lightly teased the top layer of it and sprayed some hairspray on. I started rummaging through my makeup bags for some eyeliner but came up short. 

I groaned. Tre.

"FATHER TRE!" I hollered. Yeah I still call him Father Tre. I've been living with him for maybe three months now and nothing has really changed. Oh, except Jakob has a girlfriend. Whoop de doo.

It's not like I'm jealous or anything. Sure he kissed me but it's my fault for getting attached so easily. As if I thought Jakob Armstrong would be interested in me. Plain ole Rylee Presley.

Or as everyone at school and around here refer to me as; Rylee Cool.

I've been moody a lot lately. No it's not just PMS. I'm just not myself. I hardly talk to anyone. Or go out and do anything unless it's a trip to Starbucks or to smoke a cigarette or two. 

I walked in to Tre's room and straight into his bathroom.

"Rylee uh that's a door. And uh it's usually polite and encouraged for you to knock on it before entering." I ignored him and rummaged through his drawers, finding my stick of black smokey eyeliner. 

"Tre why did you take my eyeliner?" I put my hand on my hip. Sassy. 

"Because I knew you'd come asking for it and actually talk to me. You hardly ever come out of your room and when you do it's to go to school or to Starbucks or something. I hardly see you." He's right but I'm not all to blame here.

"Well it's not my fault you have appearances to make and the summer part of your tour is coming up. I hid out in my room cause a bedroom is meeant to keep you safe. It let's no one else in but you. Everything bad in the world doesn't exist for the moment. And I don't know I just feel more relaxed when I'm by myself, in my room, listening to music." I answered with total honesty. 

He sighed "Look Rylee I'm sorry. I know I haven't really had much time for you and I'm a shitty dad and stuff but I'm gonna work on it. Starting today. Anything you want to do. We will do. I won't say no." Tre promised. Fuck this guy really is insane. Anything I want. He can't say no.

"Well for starters, I don't wanna go to school today." I confessed.


"And I want you to give me a drum lesson" 

He eyes lit up "Definitely!" 

"And then I wanna hop in a plane and just go somewhere!" 

He groaned "But Ryls I don't wanna go on a plane today. I have to next week." 

"Oh yeah, tour... you have fun with that." I rolled my eyes.

"I think you mean 'we'" he corrected me.


"You seriously think I'm not taking you on tour with me?" he gave me like this sassy judgemental stare. I wanted to laugh so hard.

"Pfft.... well actually no, no I did not." 

"Are you on crack Rylee?" 

"Do you really wanna know?" 

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