For fuck sakes Billie Joe Armstrong

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I woke up the next day all curled up in my bed.


I got out of bed and decided that a shower was a really good idea right now.

  ~ ~ ~

Once I was downstairs, I walked into the kitchen to find a note left on the island.


Rehearsing with the guys at the studio. You looked pretty tired so that's why I left you alone. I'll be home around 5 with the guys for dinner.  See you then :)

-Father Tre'

I couldn't help but laugh at the little smiley face and at the fact that he actually signed it with 'Father Tre'. Well it was 11 in the morning and I had nothing really to do. I decided on practicing the drums for an hour, make something to eat, and then do Tre a favour and make dinner for everyone that was coming over. After all, I did owe him. 

~ ~ ~

By the time Tre texted me that they were on their way, I had everything done. I ordered a few pizzas, made a pasta dish, caesar salad, and potato salad. Better than nothing right? Right.

I also taught myself a few songs by The White Stripes on the drums and guitar so it was a pretty successful day if I do say so myself. 

I suddenly got a little nervous. Was Jakob coming? All Tre said was him and "the guys" but I mean Jakob is a guy. I think.

Wait a minute- why do I even care? Jakob has a girlfriend and I've been talking to Dylan all day. 


I still don't know how to feel about him or what is even going on between us. He's probably a player. That's just my luck. Or my paranoia kicking in. 

Thankfully the sound of the door opening and a bunch of familiar voices filling the once empty house got rid of my thoughts for the moment. 

"Hey Ryls we're home!" Tre hollered. 

"In the kitchen!" I yelled back.

"YOU BETTER NOT BE EATING MY POP TARTS!"  Tre full on shouted and literally sprinted into the kitchen. 

I heard a laugh that had obviously come from Billie Joe. And before I knew it, everyone had piled into the kitchen and their jaws were practically on the floor. 

"Close your mouths guys, you'll catch flies. Oh, and dinner is ready" I beamed at them. 

"Do I have the best daughter or what?" Tre asked to no one in particular and sat down, loading his plate with food.

"I'd say. Hey Rylee want to come cook for us one night?" Mike asked jokingly. 

"Sure but I gotta let you know, I'm rather expensive" I gestured with my fingers for him to pay me causing everyone to laugh. 

We had all just decided to sit at the island and eat dinner. The guys were talking about more song ideas and lyrics and what not. It was actually really interesting because before all of this, I was a massive Green Day fan. I mean after all when Tre hit me in the face with a door, I was wearing a damn Nimrod shirt. 

Still a fan obviously, just don't want to freak them out or anything. 

"So Rylee what do you think?" Billie asked me, ripping me from my thoughts.


They all laughed at me.

"Wow way to pay attention to me," Billie pouted jokingly.  "I- well we, were wondering if you wanted to help out with the lyrics or something. Tre told us you like to write and you're learning the drums and we all know that you're not too bad at guitar." 

Was this even real life?

I glared a Tre jokingly. "And how would Tre know that I like to write, huh?"

Tre twiddled his thumbs just for a bit (A/N: HAHA GREEN DAY LYRICAL REFERENCE WHY AM I SO FUNNY) before he admitted that he had seen my journal in my room that I had left open. 

"For fuck sakes Tre!" I joked.

"I'm sorry Rylee but damn it was just open and sitting there!" 

"Oh yeah I'm SO sure of that, uh huh" 

This back and forth "sass off" as Billie called it seemed to amuse him, Mike, and Jason (A/N: yeah I consider Jason White a legit Green Day member, deal with it). 

"You two are so identical, I swear" Jason spoke up causing Billie and Mike to nod in agreement. 

"Well shit Jason, I am offended with that statement." I admitted causing Tre to gasp. 

"Oh I KNOW you did NOT just say that" Tre sassed.

"Jesus I feel like I'm watching Jerry Springer" Mike muttered Billie to laugh, making Billie laugh obnoxiously. Soon enough, everyone was laughing cause even though his laugh is obnoxious, it's contagious.

Wow did these guys ever make me feel at home.

~ ~ ~

It was now 10pm at night and the guys were getting a little tipsy and I decided to do the dishes. 

"Ryls what are you doing?" Billie asked, walking into the kitchen with another beer in hand. 

"Cleaning up after you big dumb dirty apes" I joked with a wink.

He laughed. "Can I ask you something a little uhm, personal?" he asked.

I tensed a little. "S-sure." 

"Now don't get mad at me but is there something going on between you and Jakob that I should know about?" 

I let out a sigh and put the rest of the dishes away. 

"I'm sorry Rylee I'm just  curious. He's being weird and one minute he's talking about how great you are, and the next he has this disrespectful and weird ass girlfriend"

"Look Billie Joe, I don't really- wait what?" Did I hear him right? Jakob talked about me? And said I was great?

"We could all tell he liked you and I still think he does. I don't know what is going on in that little head of his but I'm just waiting for when he dumps that chick he's with, grows a pair, and asks you out." Billie admitted.

"Okay Billie, I'm cutting you off now" I was in denial and grabbed his beer bottle from him.

"Rylee I'm being serious alright? Now give that back" He leaned forward to grab his beer back and I leaned farther back to try and keep it out of his reach.

He eventually got it back. And I eventually had my fucked up thoughts of Jakob back in my head.

For fuck sakes Billie Joe Armstrong.

. . .

A/N: AYE. Three days (GRACE) later and here is a new chapter! I tried to make it funny so I hope you guys like this one. I kinda did. 

Cause I'm sorry but we're going to have a few drama filled and sad chapters coming our way. 

ANYWAY, rate and comment or something? Yeah? Yeah. Thanks babes


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