"No flirting with anyone of the male species"

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Well it's been about a month now since Tré hit me in the face with a door and adopted me.

Boy will that be a story to tell the grandchildren...

"Yep your great grandfather Tré Cool hit me in the face with a goddamn door and then offered to take me in and bam. Hospi-fucking-tality." (A/N: I swear I'm not high. Only a wee bit.... ;) Carry on..)

My room is now more decorated and way cooler.

Also, Tré had taken the unwanted and totally unnecessary liberty to enroll me into school. And not just any ole high school.

A private one.

With snobby rich kids with their damn trust funds and shit.

Yeah I know I'm being very stereotypical. Sue me.

Atleast Joey and Jakob go there so I'm not completely alone.

It was 6:30 am. Cue a wild Tré Cool appearing.

Low and behold, Tré turned on every possible light in my room and shouted " Wake up!!!" at the top of his lungs.

"God fucking dammit son of a bitch!" I groaned as I flipped on my stomach and smashed my face into the pillow.

I heard Tré laughing. "You may as well be Billie's long lost daughter."

"What would make you say that?" I asked but I said it into the pillow so it sounded like "Vat volud nake yu day frat?"

"Sorry what was that Rylee I don't speak muffled." I could hear him smirk. I sighed and lift my head up. "What would make you say that?" I repeated myself.

"Cause you're not a morning person either."

"Oh cause y'know Billie Joe Armstrong is the only person in the whole world who isn't a morning person." I gave him a smart ass reply and flopped back down onto the mattress.

He chuckled. "You sound like him too... y'know" He emphasized the word 'y'know' which caused me to laugh.

He smiled "Okay well get dressed and I'll make some breakfast. I eyed him cautiously. "Hey hey none of that. I can actually cook." He pouted and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm just kidding Tré, I'm sure you make amazing food." I smiled.

"Damn right." He smiled proudly. I rolled my eyes playfully and he left my room.

I quickly grabbed random clothes from my closet. Tré also took me shopping so now I have an almost full wardrobe. It will do.

I quickly straightened my hair and did my side fringe as well.

I grabbed a black top that looked like an ACDC except for the last 'C' is missing and it spells out 'ACID' (the 'I' is a thunderbolt if you didn't catch that).

I grabbed red and black vertically stripped skinny jeans and threw them on as well. I put on some black eyeliner, mascara, and concealer. I slipped on my scuffed up black converse, some band bracelets and grabbed my black leather jacket and black backpack with different patches of bands on it and headed downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by a heavenly smell of pancakes and bacon. Tré saw me and smiled, handing me my plate.

"Are you trying to keep me in my obese state Father Tré?" I asked slightly pouting. He chuckled "Rylee if you're obese what the hell does that make me?" He asked seriously. I took a bit into my panckae and giggled "That sir makes you the best cook in the world." He smiled "Well I mean duh" I smirked and finished my breakfast.

I went and brushed my teeth and then a few minutes later I heard the door bell ring.

"I got it!" Tré yelled competitively. I laughed and shook my head.

Little Girl, Little Girl || T.C.//G.D.Where stories live. Discover now