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mentions of use of pot/weed/marijuana, 18+ mature scene

The girl ended up sitting at the beach after her date. After Cameron and Emmett dropped her and Belly off, the girl decided to take a walk down the beach. The beach was always her calm place.

And it was calmer with her pot she was smoking. She felt at peace. Well that was until someone decided to sit next to her.

"Let me have a puff." Conrad said.

Talk about deja vu. "No."

"Why not?"

"I'm mad at you."

"Brie I didn't do anything wrong."

"You never do anything wrong." Briella rolled her eyes.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You never own up to your actions. Instead you blame it on anything, and anyone other than yourself."

"You don't know shit." Conrad argued.

"Whatever." Briella said as she took another puff. There was no way in hell she was sharing her pot with someone she hated. But you know what they say, there is a fine line between love and hate.

"Watching you smoke is such a fucking turn on." Conrad suddenly said. He was doing his best to control himself, but he was finding it really hard.

"Yeah? Are you hard?"

Conrad gulped when he heard it. If he wasn't before, he was definitely hard now. "Why won't you find out yourself?"

Briella smirked. The girl wouldn't call herself a flirt. At least she didn't think so. But what she's about to do surprised herself and the boy. The girl climbed onto the boy's lap as she straddled him. Each knee beside each hip. Conrad groaned when the girl sat comfortably on his little friend. His hand immediately found her waist as he pulled her closer.

"I turn you on huh?" The girl said as she wiggled her ass a bit, feeling his hand tighten around her waist. His eyes were closed, trying to wake up from a wet dream but it wasn't a dream. It was reality. "Answer me."

The boy opened his eyes and he swore he could have come right there and there. "Yes."

"Hm." Briella loved how in control she was right now. She started tugging on his soft hair. Him moaning at how good it felt. "What would your girlfriend think if she saw you and me right now?"

"Who?" Conrad asked. He already felt something forming and it was embarrassing. He never comes this fast, let alone fully clothed.


"We're not dating."



"She told me to stay away from you or else."

Conrad groaned as he moved his hands to her ass and squeezed it. "I'd choose you over her in a heartbeat."

"Yeah?" Briella smirked as she started sucking on his neck. His hands were squeezing her ass harder.

"Yeah. Fuck Ella. you feel so good." The girl continued to suck on his skin until she found his sweet spot. She was sure going to leave a mark but the boy didn't care. She can leave as many hickies as she wants. "Ella... I'm so fucking close.

"Yeah?" Briella said as she started to grind herself on his clothed dick. "You wanna cum?"

"Yes Ella."

"Say you're sorry."

"For what?"

"For being a dick these past few days."




"Wrong answer."

"Can we talk about this later? I'm so fucking close." Briella chuckled as she stopped her movement. "What are you doing?"

The girl got off the boy as she stood up, dusting herself off. "Going back in. It's cold."

"Then take my fucking jacket."

Briella shook her head. "Nah I'm good."

"Briella sit your ass back down right now and let me cum."

"No apology, no cuming."

"Ella!" Conrad yelled.

"Here take this." Briella handed the boy her last bit of her pot. "You'll need it."

"Ella!" Conrad yelled again only to see the girl disappear into the darkness. Not before he saw her sexy smirk. He was screwed. 


probably not the sexy time you thought but don't worry this is only the beginning

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