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The 3 girls started splashing each other. They were really enjoying this. That was until the other girls left with their clothes.

"What's happening?" Belly asked as both Briella and Taylor swam to the dock. "Wait. Taylor, Brie what's going on?"

"They took everything." Briella said.


"Except for your phone, which has a really incriminating text from Conbad." Taylor trailed off. She tried covering the phone so Briella wouldn't see but it was too late. The girl had already read the message.

"My mom did ask me to ask you to the ball, but that's not why I did it. I did it because I wanted to. Don't worry about Brie, I'm sure she can go with Jere."

Briella looked at the girl. She was lucky Taylor was in the middle of them or else she would have punched her already.

"Conrad asked you to the ball? As your date?" Briella asked. She was angry. So fucking angry, her eyes felt hot. Even if Susannah told the girl she asked Conrad to be Belly's escort and his answer was no, she had some hope they could patch things up. But now this text right in front of her. A text that was sent 5 minutes ago proved to her the boy didn't want her. He wanted Belly.

"He did yes but..."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Well he I," Belly didn't know what to say. She fucked up.

Briella shook her head. "I knew it. I fucking knew it."

"No Brie it isn't like that we..."

"You lied to me Belly, about everything. You told me you and Conrad did nothing absolutely nothing..."

"We didn't!" Belly yelled.

Briella shook her head. "Maybe you didn't kiss him, I'll give you that, but that was because Jere fired a firework at you guys. If that didn't happen would you have kissed him?" Her friend was quiet and that gave her the answer she needed. "That's what I thought. How could you think stealing my boyfriend was ok? This isn't about Conrad anymore, this is about you and me. And if you're so willing to throw away our friendship for some boy then so be it. I don't want to be your friend anymore if that's the case."

"Brie look I'm sorry about what happened ok, honest. But I didn't do anything. If Conrad wanted to be with me over you then that's his fault. Why should you be angry at me for his wrong doing?"

Briella scoffed. Did her friend really just say that? "Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeah Belly how could you say that? Conrad asked Brie to be his girlfriend. He loves her not you. How many times do I have to tell you that to get it through your skull?" Taylor said, completely disgusted with what she just heard.

Belly shook her head. "Conrad would have picked me over Brie any day. I mean he did for the Play It Forward tournament."

"That's because you threw yourself at him." Briella shouted. She was done being nice.

"I didn't throw myself on him." Belly defended herself.

"Yes you did!" Briella shouted. She was fed up with this conversation.

"Brie..." Taylor said, trying to calm down her friend.

"Like how you threw yourself at Grant. You were the reason why he broke up with me."

Belly shook her head. "I didn't do anything."

"You made him think I wasn't loyal to him. That I was cheating on him with some guy on the football team which I didn't. You knew I didn't." Briella explained, she felt tears coming down. The reason why Grant broke up with the girl was because he thought she was cheating on him. But in actuality Belly put it in his head she did, so he slept with the backup setter, who was a freshman. "Aren't you going to own up to that?"

Belly shook her head. "There's nothing to own up to because I didn't do anything."

Briella rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe her friend right now. "You had Taylor, you had Jeremiah, really anyone to play with you, but yet you chose my boyfriend. You knew along you would get in the finals. You knew he'll have to choose who's team to be on. I can't believe you're just gonna stand there and act like you did nothing wrong when this is all your fault. You really are such a selfish bitch. You put on this innocent face, making people think you can never do wrong. But you're the villain here Belly. I can't believe I trusted you with him. Guess that just proves you'd rather throw away our friendship for a guy."

"Brie..." Belly said but the girl shook her head and got out the water. She didn't care if people saw her naked. It was a hell of a lot better than being here with someone she considered a friend.

"Fuck you." 


briella and belly's fight is giving me the maddy and cassie vibes when maddy found out cassie slept with nate

but should briella forgive belly for what she did??

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