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Drew stopped by the house one last time before he and Kira prepared to drive back home. He had some stuff he wanted to say to his daughter and unfortunately for him, the girl wasn't in the best mood.

The girl didn't end up sleeping in Conrad's room nor did she sleep with Belly in their shared room. Instead she slept in Jeremiah's room. Before you think anything, no they didn't do anything. All they did was talk about stuff and played Super Smash Bros.

So they ended up sleeping at 4:30 in the morning. It was currently 8:45. The girl was not caffeinated so she can only imagine this conversation was already off to a bad start.

"I'm sorry Brie. I know times have been tough for you ever since mom died and I've been a bad dad for leaving you alone but to be honest. I didn't know what to do. Every time I saw you, you resembled her so much and it made the reality of her passing more true."

"So instead of talking to me about it, you left to care for someone else?"

Drew nodded. He never meant to hurt his only daughter like this. "It was a shitty move I know. But if we can put this passed us I would really like us to do things together. Like old times."

Briella sighed. Is that what she wanted? To go back like old times? She knew it'll never be the same again. Her mom wasn't here anymore. "If you're willing to try them so am I."

Drew was so happy to hear that. It isn't easy for him to admit his faults, but his daughter is the only person he had left right now. He needed to cherish her like how he use to. "You don't know how happy I am to hear that little Brie. I promise I'll make an effort more."

Briella nodded as she tried to say what she wanted to say to her dad but she was scared. They were on good terms again and if she dropped the bomb about Kira, it'll be gone. "How well do you know Kira?"

"For 3 months why?"

Briella shrugged. "It's just, something's off about her. I'm not getting good vibes."

"Oh c'mon Brie. If you truly get to know her I'm sure you'll love her as much as I do."

"But is it really smart of you to get in a relationship when it's just been barely a year since mom's passing."

"Kira has helped me a lot ok. She helped me through it so I don't want to hear anything bad about her right now."

"I could have helped you dad. I could have but you didn't let me." Briella yelled.

Drew shook his head. "You're only a kid, what would have you known?"

Briella scoffed. Her dad did not just say that. "We both lost the same person did we not? The only difference is that I was let on my own to grieve while you were off with your gold digger girlfriend." 

"Don't call her that." Drew warned.

"She's using you for money dad. She doesn't love you. She told me herself. Why don't you understand!" 

Drew shook his head, disgusted with his daughter right now. "Kira was right. You're just a kid. You're never happy with other people's happiness." Drew suddenly said, immediately regretting it when he saw his daughter's face. "Brie..." 

"Excuse me? Since when did you care about what Kira says?"

"When she told me all the bad things you said to her yesterday."

Briella couldn't believe it. That bitch was already planting seeds in her dad's mind. "What did she tell you?"

"That you threatened to break up with me or else you'll tell the police about our age difference."

Briella scoffed. Of course. "And you believe her?"

"There's no reason not too."

"So even if I tell you the real truth you'll still believe her?"

Drew nodded. "She's my girlfriend."

"And I'm your daughter!" Briella yelled gaining some attention of the people in the kitchen. "I actually thought we could go back like old times. Where you'd always have my back no matter what. I guess I was wrong."


"You can leave now since you clearly don't give a shit about me anymore."

Drew sighed as he opened the front door. As he turned around to see how upset his daughter was, all he wanted to do was go over there and hug her. Tell her how sorry he was. And that he'll do better. But his legs didn't allow him to. Instead they walked him out the house and to his car where his girlfriend was waiting for him. Time will tell that his daughter was right all along. 


heeey my beautiful best friends! i'm going on a friends trip this weekend and won't be back until tuesday which means no updates till then :(

i'll miss all of your beautiful faces!!

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