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The girl quickly did her business then walked outside to join her friends. At least she tried to before she was stopped by Kira. The girl sobered up quickly and she was ready to drink some more of those pomegranate margaritas. 

"Hey Briella."

Briella sighed as she turned around to face the woman. "Kira."

"Look I wanted to apologize for earlier. I would never want to come between you and your dad." The girl nodded as she listened to what the woman was talking about. "He's just been a big help with all my student loans and everything. I'm glad he's paying for everything because I don't know if I'd be where I am today without him."

"You're only with my dad for his money?" Briella asked.

"What no?" Kira quickly denied.

Briella wrinkled her eyebrows. She knew there was something she didn't like about this woman. And she just found out why. "That's literally what you just said."

"I'm not with your dad because of his money. Is it nice he's giving me and my son a place to stay and pay for my school? Yeah it's nice. But that's not the reason why. I love your dad. Honest."

"When's his birthday?"

"Excuse me?"

"When's his birthday." Briella repeated. If this woman truly loved her dad, then she would know the answer to the question.

"You don't think I know your dad's birthday?"

The girl shrugged. "If you actually knew, you would have told me already."

"I don't have anything to prove to you." Kira said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Maybe not."

"I know when your dad's birthday is."

Then why hasn't she said it yet? It just proves her point she's only with her dad for his money. "July 12th right?"

Kira smirked. She didn't realize the girl fell for her trap. "Exactly. I already got his present. He'll love Rolex watch."

Briella chuckled. Can't believe this bitch fell for her trap. "I'm sure he will. But you're 6 months too early."

"Excuse me?"

"My dad's birthday isn't July 12."

"Yes it is." Kira argued.

"His birth certificate says otherwise."

"You think you're such hot shit huh." Kira threatened, stepping closer to the girl. Who says hot shit anymore? "Your dad would rather spend time with me than you, his own daughter. So why won't you do us both a favor and fuck off."

Briella smirked at the woman's threat. Is it too nice to call her a woman? She's more of an immature bitch. If she thinks this will scare her, she's got another thing coming. Nothing surprises her anymore. She's already been through hell last summer, she can handle anything that comes her way. Let alone this girl who thinks she has this hold on her dad.

Even if her and her dad don't have the same relationship as they did before, Briella was confident, he would choose her over this wannabe bitch any day. 

"Is that a threat?"


The two were in a staring contest. None of them wanted to break it. Both wanted to show the other one they weren't scared. But judging from the fear in Kira's eyes, it made the girl more confident.

Their staring contest was interrupted by someone pulling the girl away. "I'm surprised you didn't fight her yet." Conrad chuckled.

"Don't tempt me."

"I know where you can take out your anger." Conrad smirked as he pulled the girl upstairs to the direction of his room. 



And the girl had the best orgasm in her entire life. 



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literally briella to kira

and us to briella

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and us to briella

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