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The night was going well. The girl's mood lifted when she watched the escort dance. It was an interesting sight watching both Jeremiah and Steven dance in their tux. She never knew the boys had such good dance moves.

Now it was time for the waltz. The girl and Emmett took their place on the dance floor. The girl didn't want to admit it, but she was having a great time with the boy. Ever now and then he would crack jokes like how he usually did.

And yet she couldn't stop herself from drafting her eyes to the blue-green eyed boy. She knew his eyes were on her this entire night. What was wrong with her? 

Here she was with a very handsome, caring guy, but yet she kept thinking about someone else? 

Conrad couldn't keep his eyes off the girl. She looked absolutely breathtaking in her dress. It pained him to see the girl dancing with another boy that wasn't him. He did this to himself. He shouldn't have said what he said. He was only trying to make his mom happy. But what about him?

Didn't he deserve to be happy? Didn't he deserve to be with the one girl he's ever loved? Didn't he deserve that?

But he also wanted Briella to be happy. She deserved the absolute world and he didn't know if he could give that to her. He was a terrible person who didn't know what he wanted. But he knew who he wanted.

Briella Swift.

But as he sat there, watching the girl he loves dance with another boy, he tried to be happy. If Briella was happy with Emmett, then Conrad was happy. Even if it made him sad and upset.

But it seemed like luck was on the boy's side when he saw Emmett walk away from the girl. The boy was confused. He was even more confused when the girl gestured him to come towards her.

Conrad quickly rose from his seat and fast walked to the girl. "You still remember the steps?" The boy nodded. "Good."

Briella put her hands around the boy's neck, his going to her waist. As the pair danced along, they both couldn't help but wish things were the same again. Conrad felt guilty with what happened. It was all his fault. He was the reason why Briella Swift wasn't his. And the boy didn't notice the small tear falling down his face.

"Are you crying?" Briella asked. She felt the tear on her shoulder.

"What? No."

"Yeah you are."

"No I'm not."

Briella chuckled and shook her head. "Whatever you say you big crybaby."

The girl was doing everything she can to ignore her fast heartbeat. She wouldn't be surprised if he heard it.

Conrad might seem like a dick who didn't give a shit about anyone. But if you get rid of the whole brooding facade, there is a sweet, loving boy. Conrad is the type of person who would do anything for the people he loved. And that's what he was doing right now. He swore to never go to deb balls, but here he was, standing right in front of her.

He was here for her. 

Shouldn't that mean something to her?

Of course it did. The girl knew it did. No guy has ever did something like this for her. Was Briella thinking too much about this? Hell no. She had every right to think about this. Even if the boy didn't physically cheat, he emotionally cheated. He lead her on thinking he liked her when he was playing with her best friend. So many different emotions were running through her head that she just didn't know what to do.

Briella was grateful she hasn't falling on her face yet. She was too busy thinking about everything that she didn't realize the dance was almost ending.

As Conrad stared into her hazel eyes, he wanted to tell her everything. He wanted to beg on his knees for forgiveness. Briella didn't deserve a lame sorry apology. He needed to do something to prove that he is willing to fight for their relationship. Or at least what's left of it.

"Ella..." Conrad was about to confess until his brother ruined the moment with a punch in the face. And that's when all hell broke out. 


i wonder what the conversation between brie and emmett was about that caused the boy to leave??

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