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The girl was too late when she decided to talk to her dad. He has already left with his girlfriend to a hotel. He didn't want to stay at the house because he wanted privacy. She wasn't complaining though. More time for her to think over what she wanted to tell the man.

Briella helped clean up the kitchen, wiping down the liquids on the countertops. She put all the dishes in the dishwasher and pressed start. The girl was wiping the parts of the blenders to put away when she saw Jeremiah walk in with a frown on his face.

"Hey Jere. You ok?"

Jeremiah sighed "I really thought dad was here to stay, but I guess not. Maybe Conrad was right. He's only here to talk about football, that's it. He doesn't want to get to know his sons. And the tension between him and mom, I just don't know what's going on."

"Aw I'm sorry Jere. If it makes you feel any better at least your dad doesn't have a gold digging girlfriend."

Jeremiah's eyes widened. "No fucking way. Eh it was kinda obvious her being 25."

"See I wasn't crazy."

"Did you tell your dad?"

Briella shook her head. "Not yet. I'm just scared."

"That he won't believe you?" Jeremiah asked as the girl nodded. "You know what will make us in a better mood?"


"My fireworks show."

Briella chuckled. The boy kept mentioning his fireworks show ever since yesterday. And she still hasn't seen anything yet. "All right, let's go."

With that the two walked out to the backyard to get ready for the fireworks show. They didn't get far when they saw in the distance Conrad and Belly.

The girl wrinkled her eyes. Maybe her friend wanted to talk to the boy? Maybe she was being a good friend to ask him about her? Yeah fucking right. Because the next thing her friend did surprised her. Belly was leaning in and Conrad was too.

Briella looked to Jeremiah to see hurt in his eyes. He gripped the firework stick harder. The girl couldn't breathe. Never did she ever think Belly had a crush on Conrad or even see him that way. It was always Jeremiah to her.

And it hurt to think Belly, her best friend, the person who knew damn well her crush on Conrad. Hell she told her everything about what happened between the two since they got here. 

And it hurt even more that the boy would do this to her. She thought he liked her, or at least saw her in a way that could lead to something more. But he's just like every guy Briella meets. They only want one thing, which is sex, then leaves her for someone better.

The girl felt so used. 

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