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Everyone was seated at the dining room table for Belly's birthday dinner. Lobster, garlic noodles, a perfect summer dinner.

Emmett stayed for dinner. He was getting along well with both Jeremiah and Steven. A lot better than his poor cousin who was being interrogated by the boys.

The girl sat next to Taylor and across from Conrad who again kept staring at her. Even when the girl made eye contact with him, he continued to stare. What a creep.

"So Cam. You mind if I call you Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah said, picking at his lobster leg.

"Mmhmm. Yeah man. Feel free. That's funny." Cameron laughed.


"I'm glad you're here Cameron and Emmett." Susannah said. "I know your mom and aunt Denise from the club. I have heard a lot about you. Both of you."

"Thank you so much for having us Susannah." Emmett smiled.

Conrad hated where he was seated. Why did he have to choose the seat right across from the girl who made him sexually frustrated?

"Cam have you ever had miyeok-guk before?" Laurel asked as she handed the boy a bowl of soup. "It's a Korean birthday tradition."

"No. Looks so good. Thank you." Cameron said, taking the bowl.

"Belly told me you're vegetarian so I didn't put any meat in it."

"Thank you Laurel. Oh geez."

"Why don't you eat meat, Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah asked. Briella rolled her eyes as she continued to eat her lobster. The boys were being too harsh to Cameron.

"Uh the meat industry is like the number one contributor to global warming." Cameron explained.


"And I just like animals."

"Just don't come for my leather jacket." Taylor joked as everyone chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure you mean pleather." Steven said earning the middle finger form the girl.Briella chuckled at their bickering. She really wished they would get together. She had nothing against Shayla, but would pick Taylor over anyone any day. And there's something about Shayla that told the girl she shouldn't be trusted. "You know uh actually Belly eats meat."

"So you let her kiss you with those lips?" Jeremiah asked.

Here he goes again.

"Guys stop!" Belly said, feeing embarrassed.

"No I don't judge people for eating meat. It's just like a personal choice. I don't care."

"As he should." Briella said, taking a sip of her drink.

"So you don't mind if uh like her lips touch a dead animal and then those dead animal lips touch your lips right?" Jeremiah continued to joke.

"Shut up Jere. you're the one who went vegetarian for a month just to impress a girl that rejected you." Briella pointed out as everyone laughed.

"That was a long time ago." Jeremiah defended. "And you promised to not tell anyone." 

"Sorry." Briella shrugged, not really meaning it. 

"I'm just saying kissing someone's lips that touched a dead animal is..." Before Jeremiah could finish his sentence Belly kicked him under the table. "Ow."

"I don't mind at all. Um... in fact." Cameron said as he leaned in to kiss Belly's lips.

Taylor and Briella looked at each other. If it wasn't obvious before, they were both on team Cameron.

Steven and Jeremiah started to gag at what they just witness only to be stopped by Laurel. "All right. All right. All right. Belly's allowed to kiss, but that's it." She laughed at her own drink.

Drunk Laurel was definitely a sight to be see.

"So Emmett, you asked little Brie out yet?" Jeremiah asked.

"Jere..." Briella warned the boy.

"I'm actually taking her out to see a movie tomorrow." Emmett said.

"Oh what movie?" Steven asked.

"Probably a rom com or something." Emmett asked.

Briella sighed. As much as she liked watching rom coms, she would rather go see the new Top Gun movie. She loved the first one and was excited when they were making a second movie. Even if Goose, her favorite character, died, his son would be there and from all the Tik Toks, Miles Teller, looks hot in the movie. What a great pick to play Goose's son. 

Besides the girl couldn't be mad at Emmett. To be fair they only talked a few times. It'll take time for them to actually know each other. Not knowing her favorite movie genre was ok.

"Maverick." Conrad suddenly said as everyone's attention was on him.

"I'm sorry?" Emmett asked.

Conrad shrugged and went back to eating his lobster. The girl looked at the boy as he didn't look at her for the rest of the dinner. She wondered how he knew that was the movie she wanted to saw. It's not like she told the boy. 


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