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Briella was annoyed. Who the hell did her dad think he was? How dare he show up here? And to make things worse, he brought this girl he's never seen her entire life.

"Little Brie, come give your old man a hug." Drew smiled at his daughter.

Briella stared at the man. He did not just say that. "What are you doing here dad?"

"I always go up for the Fourth."

"So now you want to play dad?"

"I'm trying here Brie."

Briella shook her head. "When was the last time we talked? Huh? We haven't had a decent conversation since last year. So excuse me for you coming here acting like we're two peas in a pod confuses me."

"Look I know work has been crazy lately but..." Before the man could finish his sentence, his phone ring.

"Take it. Like how you always do."

"This conversation isn't over." Drew said as he walked away leaving the girl with her dad's new lady friend.

"Hi I'm Kira." She smiled. "I've heard so much about you."

"Funny I haven't heard anything about you." Briella said, not even bothering to shake her hand.

"Oh." Kira said, surprised. "It's fine. Your dad wanted to keep us a secret before I graduate."


Kira nodded. "I'm still in school right now so..."

"How old are you?"


"And you're still in college?"

"Yup, just finishing up my last year. I had to take a few semesters off to raise my son. Your dad has been a big help." Kira explained to the girl like it wasn't a big deal but to Briella, it was a huge fucking deal. 

Briella was angry. Even angrier if that was possible. "I'm sorry so let me get this straight my dad who can't even come home to his daughter has time to help you and your son?" Kira nodded. "Just fucking great."

"He told me you were in college so he didn't see you most of the time anyways."

"Look at my two girls getting alone." Drew asked as he finished up his call to go back to his girlfriend and daughter.

"Yeah she was telling me all the times you've helped her and her son. But yet you couldn't even wish me a happy birthday, your own daughter." Briella yelled, crossing her arms. This gain some attention from everyone 

"Brie." Drew sighed. 

Briella shook her head. "Did you just come here to rub it in my face you don't need me anymore? That you're so ashamed of me that you had to lie to your new girlfriend about me. About the problems we have because of you."

'Watch the tone. I'm still your dad."

"You stopped being my dad when mom passed away. When you cared more about someone else's life other than your daughter's." With that the girl walked away. She couldn't believe her dad would do this to her. All this time, she thought he was too busy with work to talk to her. Turns out it was because he forgot about her for someone else. 


do you think briella was being too bitchy to her dad?

also idk who i want to play drew, briella's dad sooo if you have an suggestions, send my way!!

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