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Briella sighed as she blew out the pot from her nose and mouth. "This fucking sucks." Briella said as she was sitting on the sand with Jeremiah and Steven watching the fireworks.

After both Briella and Jeremiah saw Belly and Conrad kiss, they wanted to punch the living shit out of them. But all Jeremiah did was lit a firework and held it in their direction. So the kiss technically didn't happen but the act of doing it was worse.

Now Jeremiah was in no mood doing his fireworks show he talked about for days.

"You can say that again." Jeremiah said as he drank his beer.

Steven sighed as he watched his two friends sulk over something he didn't understand. He really didn't. The girl he likes, likes him back. It was easier for him. And even if they hit a breakpoint today, they at least made up. "Guys let's get drunk tonight. I know this guy throwing a party. I'll DD."

Briella shook her head. "I'm not really in a party mood."

"Same." Jeremiah agreed.

Steven sighed. "Brie... I know something else is bothering you. And like I told you before, I'm here to listen to you when you need me. We're your friends, your family even. Whatever you have going on you shouldn't have to hide it."

Jeremiah nodded. "Agreed." 

Briella sighed. She really wanted to tell them everything. How miserable her life has been. So she did.

"It started last summer. When my mom passed away, my dad didn't bother coming home. He was too busy with work or with his friends or fucking his assistant. I get that he was grieving too but he never once tried to talk to me. We could have helped each other through it but I had no one. Grant broke up with me, Conrad stopped texting me, and as much as I love Belly and Taylor, they weren't the best at comforting. Pot was my escape. It helped me temporarily forget my shitty life."

"Aww Brie." Jeremiah pulled the girl into a hug. "You could have called us."

Steven nodded. "I live 5 minutes away. I could have been there for you."

Briella shook her head. "I hate to burden people with my problems. I'm already a burden to my dad. And look at what happened. He left."

"Brie have you talked to your dad before today?"

The girl shook her head. "Nope. So I don't know why he even bother showing up today if he was just gonna pick a fight with me. And it doesn't help he brought his new girlfriend who by the way is a total bitch."

"You need to talk to him Brie. For someone who speaks their mind really doesn't do it with her dad."

Briella sighed. "He's different. He chose to abandon me. If he truly did care for me, he wouldn't have done that. Instead he was off with his new girlfriend and son. They clearly were his top priority than me."

"Yeah what he did was shitty but you can't keep living in the past. What's done is done and you don't have the power to change the past, but you do for your present, your future. So talk to him." Steven explained.

Briella smiled. "When did you get so philosophical?"

"Yeah it's such a turn on." Jeremiah said.

Steven shrugged. "I guess I'm just naturally gifted."

The 3 of them chuckled as they watched the fireworks.

"Do you think Conrad likes me?" Briella suddenly asked.

"Yes." Both Steven and Jeremiah said.

"Doesn't seem like it."

"Trust us Brie. We know he does." Steven said.

"Ok so then why did he try to kiss my best friend?"

"Beats me." Steven shrugged. He really didn't know. Everyone knew Belly liked Jeremiah so why the sudden change to the older Fisher brother.

"Has she been crushing on him and didn't tell me?"


"Urg you're no help Steven." Briella groaned.

"How am I supposed to know who my sister likes?" Steven argued. 

Briella rolled her eyes. "You don't but have I been just so oblivious to the fact that she's always staring at him?"

"You're usually a pretty observant person so I don't see how you could have missed it."

"Ok dude then why were they about to kiss?" Jeremiah suddenly asked.

"Heat of the moment?" Steven shrugged. "You just need to talk to him Brie. Tell him straight up." Steven said to the girl then turned to the sulking boy. "And you need to tell my sister how you feel before it's too late. Can Cameron might be out of the picture now but if you don't step it up, both of you, you'll end up losing the one person you want the most."

Briella thought about what Steven said. He was right. Girls have been falling on the floor for Conrad. If she wanted him, she needed to tell him.

Even if today was a shit show, she was glad to have these 2 boys by her side. She knew she can always count on them for anything. For once in Briella's life, she was content on letting her guard down. 

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