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The girl was confused at what was happening right now. Conrad has paid extra attention towards her today. They were currently in the pool talking about random things until he pulled her closer so her legs wrapped our his waist as he hands were around her waist.

Briella wasn't complaining about the position they were currently in. But it didn't help how turned on she was. Conrad with his wet hair and smirk made her wet.

"I like how you smell."

Briella chuckled. "Really? It's mango."

"I love it."

"You hate mangos."

"Not when it's on you." Conrad flirted. "Fruit form I can't."

Briella shook her head. "So you like artificial mangos."

"Whatever floats your boat." Conrad said playing with her wet hair. He really wanted to kiss her. Her lips were tempting him. But he knew better not too. He had an audience right now and one of them being his mom.

He'll just have to wait for later to make that happen.

"You wanna stay in my room tonight?" Conrad asked.

"Really? You'd let me?" Briella was surprised. She thought it was only a one time thing so hearing him ask her to stay again made her excited. Was something finally gonna happen between the two?

"I'd let you do anything."



Briella played with the boys hair. His wet hair made him 10 times hotter. "If I say no?" The girl started wiggling her ass.

Conrad groaned as he slide his hands down her ass to squeeze it. "You wouldn't."

"I need an incentive."



"Tell me what you want baby and I'll give it to you." Conrad whispered, burying his head in her neck and gave it little kisses. 



The girl smirked when she thought of something she knew he wouldn't say yes to. "Be my date to the deb ball."

Conrad groaned, looking at her. "Anything but that."

"Oh c'mon you said anything."

"I was thinking I'll make you come later but the deb ball? No thanks."

"Please for me." The girl pouted doing her best puppy dog eyes. She knew he couldn't say no to them and she was right.


"Yeah." Briella squealed as she wrapped her hands around his neck pulling him into a hug. "You're the best."

"Yeah? What's my prize?"

Before the girl could lean in to kiss the boy, she heard a familiar voice that made her blood boil.

There stood her dad with someone she's never seen before. And just like that her mood turned sour as she wanted to get the hell out of here. 



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