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Briella chuckled at a few Tik Toks she was scrolling through. Her favorite ones were from nicktrawick13 and his Dora impressionations. Gets her every time.

The girl shifted her attention to her friend coming in from a night swim. But the difference was that she had a huge smile on her face. "Night swim that good?"

"What?" Belly asked.

"Spill the tea."

"Jere and I kissed."

Briella's eyes widened. "Shit. That's good right?" 

"I don't know. I..."

"Jellyfish is finally happening!"

"Jellyfish?" Belly chuckled.

"Tay came up with it. Not me. But it's kinda cute."

"I don't know, it just felt so good. He's such a good kisser and his lips were the perfect moisture." Belly explained. Even she's only kissed 2 guys, Cam Cameron, and another back home. But something about Jeremiah made her feel confident. 

Briella chuckled. "Does that mean you and him are dating?"

Belly sighed. "I don't know."

"Well I for one ship it. Now we can finally go on double dates. You and Jere and me and Con."

And there it was. Her friend is dating the one guy she likes. And it made her feel like shit. She's been a bad friend. A very bad friend. Briella has been nothing but kind to her ever since she found out about the almost kiss between her and Conrad. She could have yelled, screamed, punched the girl, but she didn't. And she didn't know why.

A part of the girl wanted to see what dating Jeremiah would be like. He's been her best friend since forever, but things are different now. She didn't even know if she saw Jeremiah that way. But if she dated Jeremiah, maybe Conrad would get jealous and leave Briella for her?

It was a terrible thing for her to think about. Conrad and Briella would never work out. They're too similar. Conrad needed someone who would take care of him, tend to his needs. Briella wouldn't do that. She can barely take care of herself, what makes you think she can to someone else?

And not to mention both of their daddy problems. It's a recipe for disaster. Belly convinced herself what she was doing was for the best. She was looking out for her friend. 

Or was she really only looking out for herself? 

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