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Hello. I'm starting my first story. Hope yall enjoy. English isn't my first language so please excuse the mistakes. If you find any please tell me. Thank you.
Everything belongs to J.K.R. and the rest is mine. You are allowed to use this story as an inspiration but please don't copy it.
Warning: killers are barely mentioned but present

The Legend Trio sits down on their given seats. The ministry found a spy Academy where the studens are taught the "art of death" and infiltration. The surviving students and trainers are going to be put trough a trail.
They listen to what all the young adults have to say. The young adults are the students called " the Spiders" and the teachers are called teachers. All the Spiders only talk about their dedication towards what they do.

"Death and silence is the only rule that counts." Is what they all repeat.

"We have to sit here, listening to people who like killing. How long is this going to take Albus?"

"I don't know Minerva. I think two more."

"Wizard and Witches, this is the last student." The Minister announces. A cage is brought in the middle of the room and many gasp.

"That's a child!" The girl in the middle looks beaten up. Her long dark curled hair covers her face.

"Girl, what is your name?"

"Little Death."

"No, your name."

"Natalie Roman." She looks around slowly.

"How old are you?"

"8 years old."

"Have you killed anyone?"

"Yes, sir." She replies.

"How many? Do you know?" The Minister pales.

"27 students, 33 targets, 6 guards an 2 teachers." The minister rubs his temple. She looks around again and her grey eyes stop at the Legend Trio. Severus keeps his eyes locked with hers.

"Miss Roman, why do you kill?" The Minister asks.

"Why does a mouse born in a cage run on the wheel?" Nobody answers her.

"If you could stop, would you?"


"The girl should be put in a family! She should get a chance!" Lucius Malfoy exlaims.

"Any idees?"

"I could provide for her and once she knows enough she can be put into Hogwarts." Minerva says.

"Miss Roman, do you believe in magic?" The Minister asks her.

"I'm not allowed to. But yes."

"Why do you believe in magic?"

"Because I've talked to snakes." Murmurs break out.

"I believe Professeur Mcgonagal is right. She should come to Hogwarts once she is ready." Albus stands up. After a vote won easly in the girl's favour, she is given to Professeur Minerva.

"Here is your room. Take a shower and change into something to sleep in. We will have dinner with Severus and Albus at 8 and then you may go to bed. Questions?" The girl shakes her head. She looks around her room. A baby cat looks at her from the big bed. She sits beside it and starts petting it once it's comfortable enough around her. She then lays down on her bed with her cat.

"I'm going to call you...Sev." When Minerva comes to check on her she's already asleep.

"Goodnight, you two." Minerva whispers before closing the door.

" Minerva whispers before closing the door

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Words: 527

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