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We are going back now... ,I'm sorry. No I'm not.
Btw, there will be a warning for those who don't want to read IT. Everything written in this is the languages of the dead. You'll see.

Nat pov.

I left Sev and Dracid at home. I'm still smiling at Minerva and Albus yesterday.

"Albus!" Minerva's voice sounds through the house. I look at Albus who just choked on his scone. I look at Severus who grins at me.

"Perceval Wulvric Brian Dumbledore!"

"Yes, Minnie?" He says with a forced smile acting innocent.

"Don't you Minnie me! I told to not to give her a REAL dragon!" Severus and I sneaker.

"It wasn't a real one. It was in stone form." He says like a little child. I laugh at them, it really shows who's got the power at home.

"Then why is there a dragon here?! He has to go to Romania." She says and that's when my smile drops.

"No. He's staying here with Sev and I." I tell her. We argue but I don't budge. That's my baby. Period. After a while, with the help of the 2 men in our livingroom, I am allowed to keep him.

Whether she will admit it or not, Minerva likes Dracid. It's cute to see both. A happy family, if you ask me.

I have this feeling I'm being watched. The problem is that I'm being pushed a lot by the people around. I keep an eye on the alleys and the shop ceilings. I also look a lot over my shoulder. That's when I spot what I have been fearing. A man in black with a tatoo on his neck. Ah, fuck. They know I'm here. I try to avoid every one wearing black clothes but there are to many. I'm about to enter a mall when I feel a certain pain on my left arm. I am only able to punch the person beside me when I balck out, my arm on ,a very familiar painfully numbing, fire.

Warning is here, scroll down where is only written what you need to know.

The first thing I feel is my left arm. Well no, I don't feel it at all. Nor my right arm. But my left arm is different. I also feel my body aching. I'm attached to a chair but there's no ground. It smells like ashes. O00h great. I groan and open my eyes with a lot of difficulty. I look around and confirm my suspicion. I'm hanging from the ceiling on a chair with chains being the only thing holding me up to not crash on the ground by the way the ground isnt the usual black ground of the Academy, it's the burning room. What happens is when they decided your fate, they being the teacher's masters, hou are sparred or given to the lava. There's like a circle where the lava will be let in and the chains get broken. Then you die slowly. Fun.

"Hello, Little Death. How was your stay with the unworthy?" A man with a blue cloak enters. I don't even react, I know better than to give them a reason to let me die.

"I see you haven't forgotten the rules. That will make your redemption easier. You know what I speak of, don't you? I will give you your resemption, Little Death." Ah! The guy thinks he can give me anything, is he stupid? I know the rules, idiot!

"Death and only Death can give me redemption. No man, no woman, no master, no master, noone. Death and Death only." I reapeat the words I was told and taught since I was born. No wonder Death was my first word in the Academy and that's why they believw I am a send by Death to be trained the "True Path". The man stops and turns to me, covering his suprise by pride. Thank god I'm wearing my emotionles mask, I would have rolled my eyes otherwhise.

"You really are as perfect as they say. Let's see if you still remember how to to be one of us." The man takes off my chains and puts me ob the ground with the help off his power. Before you ask, it's not real magic, it's a staff. But here they call it the power because it is given to the one that has the honor to spaek to Death. I'm the only one that speaks to 2 of the greatest powers that exist. I am brought to the masters, so 7 men and 4 women. I only recognize 3 men and 2 women. I've always wondered why there were less women that men as masters. Apparently Death didn't like it when women used their emotions and were either to gentle or to cruel. It's harder to find one who doesn't have emotions. For the men, the difficulty is to find non-greedy men. They are easier to find though. I prefrr the men. They don't try to have a compatition with me. For example, a male master will only ook down on, knowing he is more powerful than I am. A female master will do everything to kill me. But that doesn't mean I don't like women in general. Minnie is proof of that. I miss Minerva. And Albus. And Severus. And Hagrid. And Sev and Dracid. If I would be allowed to cry, I would.

"Why didn't we kill her? She was found by wizards and lived with them. She has betrayed the "True Path". She should be given to Death!" See. The woman with a star tatoo under the eye wants me dead already.

"We all saw the trial. We all saw how she reacted to us. We all saw how she teied to run from us!" A man with an arrow tatoo on the same place agrees. Are they twins? Oh, well this will be easy then. No blood relatives are allowed to be masters at the same time.

"Relatives are forbiden as Masters at the same time." I tell them. They look at me enraged. All the other masters turn to them.

"We are not related." The woman says. One of the women grabs her axe.

"No weapons in the Sacred Room." A master points at the black haired master. He walks up th her and kills her with his bare hands. Then he turns to the relatives.

"We are not related. I swear on Death." What they don't realise is that Death is behind him in hos majestic form. Which means a black panther with an incredible gravity pull. I know I repeat myself but it has to be noted. The panther kills them from behind. They are dragged to the lava thing and dissapear.

I am brought to a room I feel like I know but I can't remember. This is very unsettling. There in the middle of  the room with runes, there is a table. I am forced on it and lie down. Then they strap me down very tight. I close my eyes and think of my family. They are gonna be do worrreid when they realise I'm gone. Unless they don't care. Well, Sev and Dracid care for sure.

"This is necessary, Little Death." I all they say before they start chanting and soon, I start forgeting things. The last thing I remember is a snap then evrything turns black.

For those who didn't read it:

- She gets kidnapped
- She's back at the Academy
- She gets brainwashed

Hope it was ok.

Words: 1263

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