Bloody Hell

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And the next chapter's here. Enjoy and coment. I love this foto btw

Nat pov.

The first thing that hits me is that my head feels like it's being torn apart in 2. Then I feel the weight of something on my chest. I also feel a hand in my hand. Where am I? I fight with my own mind for an eternity until I win and my eyes slowly open. I blink a few times and look around. I'm laying on a bed in a simple dark room. I have thick covers laying on me. I glance to the right and spot the door and then the person's whose hand I'm holding. It's the woman, the Witch. Minerva I think it was. I squeeze her hand to see if she's awake and apparantly she is.

"Natalie, finally! Albus! Severus! Come, she's awake!" The door flies open and both come walzing in. I smile tiredly at them.

"How are you feeling, little girl?" Severus comes to my side and puts a hand on my shoulder. I put my head on it as a sign of exhaustion.

"We made some tea, would you like to have some?" Albus takes my other hand. I nod at him. He leaves and I look at the weight on my chest. A small ball of hair and a ball of scales are rolled up together. I smile at my babys. I start petting Sev and Dracid with my free hand.

"They haven't left your side since we brought you here. They're loyal to you that's for sure." Minerva strokes my hair. I try to move my body but it doesn't move even a bit and it hurts so I immidatly stop it. Albus comes back with tea. I, somehow, immidiatly take the black cup. While I don't know why I did it, the 3 others seem to know and smile happily at me. I suppose it has to do with the part of my foggy memeory. I take a sip of the tea and sigh happily. I like this tea and I know that Albus knows aswell by the look in his eyes. My throat is being blessed by the liquid and my body seems to come back to life. I start wiggling my ten toes and then my feet. That's when Dracid wakes up. He1 blinks a few times then sees me awake. He starts waking up Sev who, not liking being woken up from her beaty rest, whines and turns around. I chuckle at her childish behavior and tickle her. She jumps up and growls. Then she goes to grumpy to hyper excited and jumps on me, Dracid following her action.

"Bloody Hell, both of you take it easy. I'm going to burn you with the tea." I scold them when my tea runs down my arm. Minerva hands me a napkin.

"Nat, do you remember how you got here?" Albus asks. I sit up a bit and nod.

"What happened then?" Minerva takes my hand carefully.

"You got me out off the Academy again. I was put to Trial again. I can't remember answering to question like last time, I only remember waking up here with the pain in my head. I must of banged it pretty badly somewhere. I think I broke someone's wand on the way." I reply honestly. Albus tries to contain his laughter because Minerva is glaring at him. I look up at Severus who looks down at me, very proud.

"Yes, you broke Alastor's wand. We bought him a new one, so that is fine. He's a bit annoyed but he forgave you." Minerva keeps glaring at Albus. He composes himself and looks at me apolagic. I shrug at him not understanding.

"You were very dehydrated and very weak. You hadn't been feed for a while, so when the Minister asked you questions, you didn't answer. He was asking you something but you kept looking at hime, stoned. Then you swayed forward with you head and got shocked. We weren't allowed to bring you with us until the Trial was done and you were so out of it and the Ministry wanted the final vote to happen so they went into your memeory with my allowence and saw what they needed to clear you of all charges. After that, we brought you back to Severus' place and we kept you here." Minerva explains. I nod along.

"How did you...find me?"

"Well, when we found out you were gone from the house, we got worried so we started looking everywhere for you. When I realized that you didn't put on your favorite boots, I knew you weren't planning on being gone for long. After that we realized you got kidnapped because a man on the street saw you being taken and went to the police. The muggle police, you know what that is?" Severus asks. I nod. I know the police alright. Always got in the way during missions. I push that thought away as Albus continues.

"Alastor, my friend, was tasked to take down the entire Academy of Death and so he told me he would look for you there. He is probably the best Aurorer I have ever met." I put my head in my hands. The guy helped finding me and I broke his wand. What a way to thank people you owe your life to.

"It's alright, you're back now. The Ministry wanted to file you in as dead but, with the help of Lucius Malfoy, we were able to convince them otherwise." He finishes the story.

"Who's Lucius Malfoy again?" I ask embarassed becaise I know I owe this man I don't even know.

"He's the one always dressed up in black tailored robes with long white hair. He always does a head shake thing. He started the vote in you favor in your last Trial. He was very posuassiv." Minerva explains, a impassiv look on her face. Great, I owe the guy twice over.

"He also wanted to take you in the first time at the Trial. He has a son with the same age as you. Draco Malfoy will be attending Hogwarts this year, just like you." I look at Severus.

"I'm still going to Hogwarts?" I'm surprised I'm still allowed to.

"It took a lot of talking and yelling and convincing and autority from my side because I'm the Headmaster and Minerva because she basicly runs it with me. Severus takes care about everything that's safety and that the classes are organised and, of course, everything that is paperwork related when it comes to accidents." Albus explains. Minerva and Severus roll their eyes at the mention of paperwork. I snicker at this childish behavior.

"Here." Severus hands me my letter. I put it away and hug him. He relaxes and hugs back. We then pull the 2 others in and my babys come in aswell.

"I'm going to be the most savage studebt in all of Hogwarts." I mumble and the adults laugh.

Words: 1176

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