2nd Trial

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I'm back and I'm probably going to update more these next days.
Enjoy and coment, my dears. Everything in idalic will be in her memory.

Nat pov.

I'm sitting in a chair in the sacred library, learning an ancient language. I'm bored and I don't have anything else to do. I learned English, Russian, French, German, Arabic and Spanish already. And of course the language everybody speaks here. I can understand latin and ancient greek aswell. I master many hand to hand combat styles just aswell as weaponary or infillitration. I don't like flirting but it always works whenever I require it. BAM! BANG! POOF! POOF! SWOOSH! I stand up very confused by those noises. I silently grab my gun and walk down the hallway, closing the door of the library. I let my body lead me to where the noise came from. My gun pointed, I turn a corner to find many Little Spiders and teachers laying dead on the ground. 22. I follow the trail of blood on the ground. I can tell that we have a few people on the loose here seeing the different types of shoes. I can hear muffled voices approaching from behind. I jump on the ceiling and steady my slightly agitated breathing. Two men come in, one with a strange leg and an even stranger eye. The other one is dressed in grey robes but differently than the masters. I follow them from above.

"I'm telling you Albus, she's dead by now." The guy with the eye and leg says.

"No, I think she's still alive, Alastor." Albus? I know that name. I keep following them. They seem to talk about a girl Albus cared for and he seems to think she's here. They keep walking until Alastor keeps looking over his shoulder and taking out a stick. He's holding it as if it were a weapon, so if I do anything, take the stick away first.

"Someone's following us." He mutters. Albus takes out his own stick but continues to walk ahead. I follow them into the Hall of Faces. They seem to be surprised and unsure of what lies before them. From behind them another guy in black robes pops out.

"Albus, Moody, we've been waiting. The people here are crazy. They're all about death and silence." The grey haired guy approaches.

"They are religious people. I never trust religious people."

"You don't really trust anyone, Moody." The third guy smiles. I slowly get down and try to get a better look at Albus. He seems familiar.

"What is it with these faces anyway?" Albus asks and looks as if he's going to take one. I step out of my hiding spot and hold him off. Moody guy points his stick at me and, out of reflex, I kick it out of his grasp. The third guy takes his stick out and I kick it away aswell then knock him out cold. I turn around to see more sticks being taken out by other people with robes and a white cloud or whatever that flash is.

"Stand down, Natalie." I stop confused.

"How do you know my name?" I ask suspicious grabbing my knife. A few people look at me confused.

"We are from the Ministry of Wizards." Alastor points his stick at me. I grab it and break it and throw it at 2 people's eye.

"SUPIFY!" The next thing I know I'm on the ground unable to move. Then everything turns black.

I can hear muffled voices. Loud ones. Especally one voice stands out. I take in my surrounding. I'm chained down and in a cell. Dehydrated, worse than usual. I try to concentrate but it doesn't always work 100%.

"...she shouldn't have been there in the FIRST PLACE!"

"Maybe she would have been better raised by muggles!"

"We don't know how to..." The voices are too far away to understand to even a word. After a while it comes back.



"She belongs in Hogwarts surrounded by other childeen of her age."


I groan and open my eyes. Either everyone stopped fighting or my hearing went off. No, scratch that. Eveeyone's looking at me. I turn around and find a very familiar set of eyes.

"Your name's Severus Snape." I rasp out. He seems to grin at me. I look beside him and to see a woman with a hat.

"Minerva Mcgonagal who can transform in a...cat I think." I rasp and lean on the bar beside me, exhausted, to be electrocuted. I wince and sit on the ground.

"Miss Roman, do you know who we are?" A man in dark ropes with a strange hat asks. I shake my head no. He keeps talking but I can't hear him and my vision is very blury. I feel like I'm wobbling and very unsteady. I must've leaned forward because I get shocked at my temple and everything turns black again.

"Goodmorning Nat." Severus sits down at the dressed table, Minerva already eating.

"Morning Severus. Your braids look very nice." I smile knowingly at him. He sticks out his tongue like he always does whenever I say sonething about him being soft infront of the others. I hand him some scones with jam. He starts eating while Minerva snickers. Sev and Dracid come up to me, one on my arm, the other one on my shoulder. I sit down with the two proffeseurs and eat my food and tell them about the magic I performed a few days prior. But the the scene changes and I'm on the floor bleeding a bit.

"You are learning, Little Death. Soon, we will celebrate your succes in exelling like you should." The master smiles vicously. He keeps hitting me. Then the scene changes to when I was walking in public before being kidnapped. After that it is shown back to when the masters took my memories away.

I have time to register 4 words before the darkness takes me away.

"Cleared of all charges."

Words: 1024

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