The Letters

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Starting Hp 3 soon. It's my favourite movie for now.

Nat POV.

Dear Harry,

As you know I am in the South of France. I spend a lot of time at the beach. I had a swimming contest with my father that he unfortunately won. We also convinced my mother and Albus to make a sand castle, which turned out as a success. Albus was being such a baby about not wanting to put suncream on him, that he got a sunburn on his shoulders.

Mother came today around midday, finally. I love my father and uncle but it's easier when mother is there to scold them.

We went at a restaurant with Louis and turns out, he is a big fan of yours. He asked 23 questions concerning you to me. Quite a fan of your father's Quidditch play. Was very happy for you to have made it in the team.

BUT YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHO I SAW! Lucius MALFOY and his beautiful wife Narcissa and Draco. I was able to hide by leaning forward on the table at the restaurant. Lucius only saw Albus and turned away. Rude man, that one.

Anyway, I was able to find out about who our new teacher of DADA is and I am surprised. His name is Remus Lupin, ring a bell? He was in the same year and house as your parents so no discretion in his class. You will get a few stares and comments at best. Even a sad smile from what I've heard. Albus seems very confident in him. Probably because he's a Gryffindor and was at Hogwarts.

I can't wait to be old enough to take you on a vacation with me. Hermione as well and Ginny too. Ron if he's nice to me this year. We came on a agreement to stay civil for you unless either one of us blows it up. The things I do for you Hazza.

Have your relatives been kinder? Did they feed you enough?? Do I have to come and scare them??? Can I com please???? Is there anything I need to know? Try to get in contact with Miss Weasley, she seems to care about you and she's a mother so she knows how to treat you well. I heard his father isn't bad either.

Btw, my hair changed. You know how it used to be a fair brown, now it turned orange/red. So I'm a red head. And since it changed how I look, I decided to cut it to give it an even newer look. Tell me what you think but the adults say it's because of the salted water and will wear off soon. I think it's going to stay.

Stay SAFE Harry Pottah or I'm going to kick your ass faster than you can say Godrick. Love you,


I finish the text. I send after bidding him goodnight and glance, once again, at the quill on my desk. I take it and examine it again. I then the quill down. Yes, the one I got from the Malfoy. I don't know why I'm bothered, it's not like he bullies my brother whenever he can, he tries to insult Hermione and hates me. Maybe he can answer the question himself.

Pound shop Legolass,

Why did you give me a quill and ink? Something you wanted to tell me or is it a poisoned gift?


I send the letter off. I turn the lights off and climb into my bed. I fall asleep soon enough and dream.

I'm sitting on a bench at Hogwarts. The birds are chirping and the autumn wind is blowing. I'm sketching a face a man who doesn't seem to have any hair. Once I've drawn the eyes of this man, a snake slithers out of the paper, the eyes I just sketched getting a yellow colour. It starts circling around me and tries to choke me. I am able to get it away from me when I am sucked in another dream.

I am standing in a graveyard. I turn around to see many people mourning for 1 specific person. I walk to them and look over their shoulders to see...Cedric Diggory's funeral. Fallen as a hero. Protect him and he shall protect you. A voice in the ear chants like a promise. I want to touch one of the mourning people's shoulder when I am being pushed by a force in a memory.

"I put you in the same house as the both of them. Your ennemi and your..." Destiny leaves the sentence like that.

"I will see to it. Can I take both with me to Hogwarts, then." I ask understanding where I will be going next year.

"Yes, you will need your children. Now, know that in Hogwarts there is your only blood relative. I will make sure you know whom I speak of. Now, I must leave. See you soon, Trusted." They both leave.

I wake up panting and sweating from my bed with a startle. My heart is racing. I rub my eyes and grab a glass of water from the nightstand. What is this annoying sound? I turn around, gun in hand when I find the noise source. The window. I hide beside it and open the curtains to be meet with an owl. I let it enter and check the time on my phone. 1:25 am. What does the owl want at this time of the night?

I go towards it and take a closer look. I don't think that I have ever seen it before. It deposes a letter on my bed, then flies away to hunt in the garden. You see, my temporary room is beside the garden of Louis so I can see the owl. I look back down at the letter and see a name on it. Draco Malfoy. I sigh and open it.

Father told me to give it to you to help our relationship. Says you would make a good friend. What did you think it to be? A gift? Anyway, where are you spending your holidays? At home?

Rude, I swear. I grab some paper and write back.

I honestly wish that I would be at home, it would be further away from you and very relaxing.

Do you mind asking your father why he wants us to be friends? Appreciated and probably the only thing I do about you.

I send it off again. Once away, I relive the nightmares. Especially the last one, being a memory. Who in Hogwarts is my relative? And how do i find that out? Maybe with a spell?

I groan in annoyance and go towards my suitcase with books and grab the first one. The Game of Thrones. This serie is one I haven't read yet. I light a fire, make myself a comfortable corner and open the cover. I have to say, I am glad to have brought this book in 2 different languages. I also brought the Ewilan and the Ellana series in French. I also brought the Hunger Games in English and German. Then The Death of Black Widow as well as The Shadowblade and the Mistborn and lastly the Way of Shadow. Most of them have Assassins in them. The main reason I read them is the get the picture of assassins in the most common mind set. To get the big picture. I also brought A Secret History of Witches and The Green Witch.

I am around the 400th page when I feel the first light of the sun. I stretch and stand up. I grab what I need and go get a shower. Man, I miss my 2 kids.

Words: 1292

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