Dragon egg

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The things about the dragons here are coming from my own imagination so it's probably wrong but whatever. Please enjoy

Nat pov.

So...it's been a week since Christmas break and I'm alone in the house again. Some strange things have been happening lately. For example, every morning Sev wakes and goes to snif at the egg. She then petts it very delicatly and miaus, a sad one. And every night before we go to sleep she does the same. I too, find myself whispering to it. Because of it, I went to every library, I know and didn't know about before, to buy books about dragons. And believe me, I'm at my 4th book by now. I write down everything I believe to be inportant, good to know or intresting. On a other list I write all the things I don't believe.

2 weeks later I still haven't found anything I can believe. Every book says something different. So that's why I'm sitting at my desk, writting to Hagrid asking if we could go back to the Dragon Center to ask around.

Hey Hagrid,

Tell me, do you know when the next time is that we can go back to the Dragon Center or another one if there is. I'm very curious and everything I've read in every book says something very different.

I don't think the others would be as intrested as us 2 in this subject.
Hope you are doing well in Hogwarts and not getting in trouble with those Weasley twins and their friends.

Love you,

I sent it away with the owl of the house. Let's hope it gets to the right person.

Hello my dear,

I have to admit that as much I want to go back, I've run into some trouble. It will be over soon but all I can tell you is that if you ask Albus he can make sure you might at least get some books with the right information the muggles don't have.

Don't be such a Snape by being mean towards the twins, they're a nice kids. I'm sure you 3 will meet soon enough.

And don't worry about me or our secret. It's only for our little peace.

Buckbeard and I send our love,

Plan A, failed. Plan B on the way, being asking Albus for the information. I sent him a letter and then go to a work out room. I put everything aside that could get in my way. I then put up some cheap self made dommies. I start with my workout that means streching and warm up and then start hitting the dummies. Sadly that doesn't go very smooth since they're not very good quality. I will go out later to fund some stuff to either make the dummies or buy them. I really need a punching bag too. I start making a list of the things I need.

2 bars
8 manequin
4 punching bags
7 targets
1 pair of gloves
5 bandages
1 board of dart with the darts
1 musicbox

I start looking for the best places to buy it without any suspicious thoughts behind it before an entire pack of books is put on the desk by a...firey bird. I take a photo of it, thank it by letting it eat whatever it pleases and take a look at the books. Dragon books.

"Hell yeah." I take the, a lot heavier than I thought, old books to the living-room.

"Sev, I got books about dragons! They look promising." I tell her. She comes up to me and starts pouring. I put her on my crossed leggs and sit on the comfortable desk/couch I made myself. I open the first book and a letter slips into my hand.

Dear Nat,

Hagrid said you miss being around dragons and that you wanted to go back to the their Center in Romania. As an apologie, he asked me to send you every book I know could be inetersting or useful for you. Do not try to adopt a dragon from the Center because that is a lost case.

Try to practise a bit of magic whenever you can. I know you are talented in potions but maybe try to practise the Defences Against Dark Arts also known as DADA. It will be helpful sooner than you think. I do not believe that you have an issue with working with plants but you might want to start practising a few things.

The bird is my Phoenix. It's a lot stronger than an owl.

With love and care,

I grin at that note. He really seems to be up to something. He has a secret agenda, that's for sure. I grab the first book called "Dragons". I read it carefully and make notes again. And that's my plan for every day for the next month. Wake up, eat, train for 2 hours, shower, read, practise some magic, read again, go outside, eat again, compare my notes, watch a movie while cuddling with Sev and go to sleep. By the end of the month I have read other books called: "The tale of the Dragon" "Dragon's scales" "Legendary animals" "One of a kind" "Danger in the air" "Dragon origines". My personal favourite was the last one. It was very helpfull and most detailed. It took a bloody week to finish that one. That's how you read 7 books in a month, ladies and gentlemen. I found out a lot about these creatures. For example, the best place for them to survive is sonewhere with cold wind because it makes their circulation flow faster and it heats their bodies up more, which leads to why the dragons living in the north have stronger fire than the ones living in warmer conditions. Aparantly, dragons are very social creatures but very emotional. It'a hard to gain their trust back once you've hurt them. They can also live up to 4000 of years in their eggs and not have any problems in the future. They are only loyal to the ones they grow close to and have a certain bond with. But, I haven't found out how to bring back a stone egg yet. There is one riddle that holds the answer.

A dragon is a creature of opposites.
For it to be able to breathe, it has to drown.
For it to be able to create fire, it has to have a certain amount of ice.
For it to be able to die, it has to have birthed something.
For it to be forgotten, it has to be remembered.

I know that the answer is in the second phrase. But how the hell do you drown a dragon? In an egg? Do you put it in a bathetub? No, dragons didn't have bathetubs 3000 years ago. Curse the riddle. I grab my diary and write my questions and frustration, as I learned this emotion to be, in it.

February morning, darlings. Sev has been going out a lot lately and the dragon egg doesn't leave my mind. I have made up my mind to try and drown it in the river I suppose. Why? I watched a documentary last night about little creatures found in frozen lakes or rivers that date about hundrets of years ago. I think I know exactly what those creatures are, but muggles don't. Perfect if you ask me. I grab my egg and head towards the magical forest. It's a bit lonely without any letters of telling anything. I miss my...family I think I can say now. I wish I could bake something and watch the reaction on their faces. I really do. I sigh and run my fingers along the scales of the egg. When I get to the river, I start putting the egg in the water. And that's when I hear a very agitated miau.

"Sev! I'm here!" I wait until my baby comes to me. Well, baby isn't the best way to describe the cat infront of me but, she's like my baby anyway. She runs towards me and starts licking me and then the egg.

"Sev, back off. I think I have to put it in the water." I push her away and resume my action. She doesn't take her eyes off of it for a second, that I'm not sure if she's blinking. And once the egg is fully in the water, we wait. And wait for a looooong time. Even though I can't say if that's me thinking or the truth. But way to long for whatever it is I'm waiting for. A sign maybe. When I rub my temple, a bubble comes to the surface. Soon followed by others. When the bubbles finally stop, I look down to see a small creature looking up at me, almost drowning. I grab it and pull it out of the surface. It shudders and and opens it's eyes to look at it's sister, Sev. Sev, who looks like either comitting a murder or starting to cuddle with it, slowly approaches it. They look at each other, then sniff at eachother and then, both look at me.

"Hi. I wanna go home. You're coming to. Sev, come on. We're going home." Sev jumps into my arms. I huff and carry both home. The rest of the day passes bye, by taking care of the both ot them, feeding them and going to sleep. But not before naming my baby dragon Dracrid. A mix of Draconis and Hagrid. Which reminds me, I might have to inform my family about our new member.

Words: 1609

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