This is your home now

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Nat pov.
I'm sitting crossed legged on the bed. Sev, the cat, is sleeping on my lap. I look out the window and see stars. I missed the stars and the moon. I was never aloud to be out a lot when I was at the Academy. Always making sure I didn't get attached to anything and anyone. I think Miss Minerva is still asleep and since I don't want to make her angry I don't move so that I don't make any noise.

"Natalie?" I wake up with a startle. Miss Minerva enters the room in her...I think it's a gown.

"Yes, Miss?" I rub my eyes and look at her.

"Breakfast is down stairs. You need to eat, you haven't eaten or drunk anything since...well, since before I got to know you. And I still don't know you very well. Come on, put on somw clothes, any you want and I will se you in a minute." The moment she leaves I immediatly jump up and put on some clothes from the closet. All in black like the other Mr. I put my hair in a ponytail and take Sev. I almost run down stairs.

"Am I late?" I pant.

"MERLIN! Why did you sneak up on me?!" She turns around almost frightened and excpeting a very good answer. I look around to see a table with a lot of food.

"I did not sneak up on you, Miss. I came as fast as I could and I was being quiet loud. You said I had to be here in a minute." I look up at her confused.

"Natalie, you know that's an expression, right. It means I will see you when you'r finished." She relaxes her posture. Sev, who was eyeing the food, jumped out of my arms and into the table.

"I will be more carefull next time." I mumble and look on the ground. Miss Minerva smiles at me and signs me to sit. She starts filling her plate with food while I eye it.

"You can take it, you know."

"I...don't know what I'm supposed to take."

"Try this scoun with the tea, dear." She passes me a plate and a cup. I try both and smile up at her, amazed at the taste. She laughs at my reaction. We keep eating until Sev tries to take a bite.

"Can it eat this?"

"Well no, but you can give her those. They are hers, basicly." She shows me a plate with cat food. I give it to Sev who starts eating on the table.

"Tell me dear, what do you like to do in your free time?"

"Well..." I finished my food, " I'm not supposed to even be enjoying things except killing but I do like acrobatics and gymnastics. I like reading and learning. I also know that hand to hand combat is my favourite martial art style. I enjoy being with animals and being outside in general because I'm not allowed to be outside a lot." I explain.

"Oh...uh ok. If you weren't allowed to do things, what do you want to do now that you were never able to do before?"

"Have friends maybe. Or feel emotions! Ohhh, chose the clothes I wear! Get to look at the nightsky outside the cell. And maybe find out why my mum and dad abandoned me in the street. If I have family or if I can make my own. Yeah... that would be nice." I imagine.

"Come. We're going outside." Miss Minerva takes my hand and drags me out. Sev follows us and when she opens a door, we are near trees. So many trees.

"This is where we will spend time today." She smiles down at me.

"I will have to go to work soon but when I do, you can come here whenever you want. This forest belongs to Severus and I. The only people that can come in here are Albus, Severus, Hagrid and I. If anything ever happens run here. We ate the only ones that can enter the magical forest and you will be safe here as long as you respect the nature and it's inhabitant."

"Who's Hagrid?" I ask confused but marching with her. We are walking hand in hand together through nature and she seems very relaxed here.

"He's a dear friend. He's a giant but with the most gentle heart you will ever witness." She grins. I never met a giant before so I don't know wht to think. I just grin back to not alarm her. If she says he's a good man and he is allowed in the forest then I will believe and trust him.

Words: 788

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