Chamber of Secrets and Parcelforce

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A few days later I'm walking down the halls when I spot blood on the wall. I read the message.

The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, ennemies of the heir...beware.

I immidiatly turn, after taking a photo to analyze the handwriting, around and walk towards Severus' office. I tell him about what I saw. He sits me down.

"Nat, the chamber has been opened years before but noone knows where the entrance is. Salazar Slytherin himself made the Chamber to keep the monster in there away from eating all Muggleborns."

"That sounds like a bed time story." I mumble.

"It does, until the first victime is chosen. Then it's a nightmare." Severus takes my hand.

"I don't want you involved in this, am I understood? You are, as far as I know, a Muggleborn. I don't know what the monster is nor what it looks like but I need you to stay away from it. Alright?" He looks very worried. I hug him but say nothing. I am not going to sit down and do nothing. I'm going to search in the library. I walk away.

"I'm telling you, Malfoy is the heir for sure." Is what I hear when I turn a corner. I look to see the trio walking and talking about it. I let them pass me, unseen. This will be interesting.

Today we are all standing in a hallway. Lockhart decided to show us a duel in the new duelling club and took our Head, Severus, as his opponent.

"Don't worry, you will still have your potion Proffeseur when I'm trough with him. Never fret." He jokes. I bet Severus will win easily. They walk towards eachother, bow, turn around and get in position. Dad is the first to throw a spell.

"Expelliarmus!" Gilderoy flies back a few feet. When he stands back up he rambles about it was too easy for him and didn't block because of that. Severus responds by telling him to teach us defence before offence.

"Potter, Weasley, how about you!" Gilderoy exclaims.

"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my own house? Mafoy perhaps?" He turns around and tells Malfoy to come up.

"Lucky." I mumble somehow knowing there wont be another round. They walk towards eachother, bow, turn around and pose.

"On the count of 3 cast any charms to disarm you opponent. Only to disarm. We don't want any accidents here! One. Two-"

"Everte Statum!" Malfoy can't even count to 3 then, even though I was excpecting this childish behavior. Hazza, on the other hand, wasn't and flies backwards. I would've rolled my eyes if I wouldn't be worried for him. Some start laughing. Harry stands back up and poses.

"Rictusempra!" Now Malfoy is blasted away with grace, might I add. He lands infront of Dad, who looks a bit dissapointed and annoyed. He shoves him back to continue.

"I said disarm only!" Well who listens to you, you unusefull liar. All you talk about is yourself most of the time. It gets boring.

"Serpensortia!" A snake appears. Oh, I'm learning this spell. The snake slides towards Harry.

"Don't move Potter, I'll get rid of it for you." Snape comes, proud of Malfoy's spell. I adnit that I'm pleasently surprised. Ok, no, who am I kidding, I'm inpressed. Honestly Gilderoy, are capable of anything except standing there?

"Allow me, Proffeseur Snape!" Speak of the devil.

"Alarte Ascendre!" The snake flies up...and back down. On the other hand, I think I prefer you doing nothing. The snake, angry now, starts hissing. I start walking towards it by some reason and so does Harry. He starts whispering to it and I listen to them. Harry is telling him to turn around and pick one student. What for I don't know. I put myself infront of the Hufflepuff the snake chose.

"Harry, stop!" I try to snap him out of it. The snake tries to pass me by so I start whispering to it aswell. The snake seems to not know who to listen to. It keeps hissing between us.

"Vipera Evanesca." The snake dissapears.

"What are you 2 playing at?" The Hufflepuff boy asks angry. I look at Harry, who looks out of his almost terrified, then to my dad. What just happened?

Words: 734

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