Hagrid and Albus

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Sorry, I was busy these last days. All credits to respective owners.
Enjoy and comment

Nat pov.

Ever simce the incident with the snake, Hogwarts has been crazy. I mean, I thought it would be like when the troll was in the dungeon or something similar, happens once, big talk and some rumors and then that's it. No. Instead, Harry and I are being questioned and believed as the heir of Slytherin. Espacially me, who is a Slytherin and no one really knows a lot about me. For example, there are rumors about me and everything I do. I have a few top rumors I heard of that I personnaly find amusing.

"I heard that she threatened Albus Dumbledore to get into Hogwarts just so that she would be able to open the Chamber of Secrets. She has an entire army of trolls in there, that's why there was a troll in the dungeons last year." Theo had told me about this one. He heard 2 Gryffinfors talk about it during one of our lessons with them. Then there is the one where Harry is involved.

"Harry and Natalie are actually cousins and both heir of Slytherin but since Natalie is in Slytherin, she was able to open it while Harry and his friends covered her. They made a deal to share the power since Natalie can use the Chamber of Secrets and Harry is the boy who lived. They tought we wouldn't realize their little game but we're smarter than them." That was the Hufflepuff from last time. Honestly, I put myself in danger for him and this is how I get thanked. He didn't even say thank you. Then Slytherin is the bad house. The only people that laugh at those rumors with me are Blaise and Theo. Daphne sits beside us sometimes but you can see that she believes the rumors. That's why I often go to the boy's room. You see, Draco was able to find himself a private room next door so I can spend as much time with the boys as I please. Of course there is the issue that everyone believes Harry and I are related and I understand why. We have the same hair colour, same skin colour, same eye colour and now we both speak parcelforce. The cool thing though is that some other people don't believe it either. Percy, Ginny, Ron, Fred and George Weasley are on our side along with Hermione and Cederic.

Even if I am often around them, I sometimes don't feel welcome or appriciated. Today is one of those days. A girl has been reported dead and they blame the monster. In other words, Harry and I. Most of the teachers are vary of the 2 of us except for Sprout, Hoch, Flitwick, Albus, Minnie and Sevy. Then again, You can't really do many other things than pay attention in Minnie and Sevy's class, anyway. And whenever someone is starring at Harry and I, which is easy because we are sitting next to eachother, Severus or Minerva will tell them to stop oggling us and give them detention.

The 1 person to whom I can just go and drink tea with though, is Hagrid and that's why I'm here, knocking at his door. He never judges and he really is a big softie. He opens his door.

"What are you doing outside in the cold with only a shirt and sweatpants? Get in here." He lets me in and closes the door. I sit down next to the fire and sigh.

"What are you doing here?" He hands me a blanket. I put it around me.

"I don't feel welcomed anymore. Everywhere I go, people tell me I am the heir or Harry is and I helped him or I threatened Albus. It makes me want to burn and sometimes kill them. And that scares me." I whisper. Hagrid sits there amd ponders.

"That's...well, that's not good but at least you haven't killed anyone. And people need entertaindment. You and Harry seem to be it."

"I know but I'm not used to this kind of attention. Nobody fears me until I hold a weapon. Now I am looked at as if I am the weapon."

"For them, you hold a weapon and it scares them because they don't know what the weapon it is. All they know is that it is deadly." He smiles sadly at me.

"It's strange though. Because some things they say are just unrealistic but the fact that I speak parcelforce along side Harry, that we look too similar for me to even be able to disagree and how the Chamber of Secret has been reopened once we are here? It's not exactly a coincidence, is it Hagrid?" I ask. He seems to be debating with himself until there's another knock on the door. He peeks through the window to see Ron and Harry. He lets them in.

"Hagrid, did you hear about Hermione?" They ask him once he filled a cup of tea. I look at them, listening. What's wrong with Hermione?

"Oh yeah, I heard about that all right." He mumbles. Now why do I feel like I've been left out?

"We need to ask you something." Harry looks at Ron.

"Do you know who opened the Chamber of Secrets?" Hagrid looks down at Hagrid sadly and sighs.

"What you have to understand about that is-" there's a knock on the door. Who the HELL comes to knock at Hagrid's door now? Hagrid on the other hand seems to panick. I stand up and put my hand on his arm.

"It will be alright, Hagrid, I swear. I will come and get you out myself if I have to." I grab the boys. I loon for something to hide until Harry pulls his, I think it's a cloak but since I can't see anything, over our heads. Hagrid openes the door.

"Proffeseur Dumbledore, sir."

"Good evening Hagrid. I wonder, could we?" He asks for permission to enter with whoever is standing beside him.

"Of course, come in." Hagrid invites the 2 people stalking at his door.

"That's the boss of the Ministry of Magic." Ron explains quietly but I don't catch his name.

"Bad buisness, very bad buisness. 3 attacks on muggleborns, thing have gotten to far, Hagrid. The ministry's got to act." I am shaking. This guy is accusing HAGRID OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?

"I'd never. You know I'd never Proffeseur." He looks at Albus who tries to stay calm and colected.

"I want it understood Cornelius that Hagrid has my full cofidence."

"Albus look, Hagrid's record is agaonst him, I have to take him."

"Take me? Take me where, not Azkaban prison!"

"I'm afraid we have no choice, Hagrid."

"Already here, Fudge." No... Lucius Malfoy.

"What are you doing here? Get out of my house."

"Believe me, I take absolutly no pleasure being inside your...you call this a house? Hm." He cones towards us, unknowingly. We go back a bit.

"No, I heard the headmaster was here."

"And wht exactly is it that you want with me?"

"The other gouverners and I have decided that you step aside. This is an order of suspention." He hands him a letter.

"You'll find all 12 signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you've lost your touch move up with all these attacks, they'll be no muggleborns left at Hogwarts. I can only imagine what an awfull loss that would be to the score." He has turned to us now. I swear I will make him regret it.

"You can't take Proffeseur Dumbledore away. Take him away and more muggleborns will be lost."

"Calm yourself Hagrid. If the governors desire my removal I will of course step aside. However you will see that help will always come to those who ask for it." He looks at us knowingly. I smirk back.

"Admiralble sentiments. Shall we?" They leave.

"Come Hagrid."

"Oh, if anybody was looking for soem stuff then all thee af to do is follow the spiders. That's all I have to- ah yes, someone will have to feed Fang while I'm away." He leaves with a very confused Cornelius. What a pair of uncles they make.

Words: 1380

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