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Back again
I swear, I stopped the movie when I first saw Aragog. I walked around the living room amd kitchen and then continued the movie.
Enjoy and comment

Nat pov.

And, since the 3 of us are to determined to back down, we followed the spiders and took Hagrid's dog with us. Well, after asking me what I was doing in Hagrid's the first place. I told them that he is my uncle and they left me alone. I was able to grab the knife I had gifted him for Christmas a few years prior. I, of course, still have 3 other daggers and my electric bracelets (like Black widow's) on me. This is the first time I go into the forbidden forest, unlike Harry and Ron. They seem very very anxious to be back. I try to not make any noise.

The spiders we are following are getting bigger and there are more and more coming to join us. I don't hate spiders but I'm not very fond of them either. Harry seems disturbed by them and Ron, the guy is about to turn around and run away, litteraly. Soon enough we are in surrounded by them.

"Who is it? Hagrid, is that you?" A deep voice asks.

"We're friends of Hagrid." Harry answers.

"And his family." I add. I have a bad feeling about this one. And slowly, a huge spider stands before us. I put Harry and Ron behind me a bit and the dog covers a bit behind us 3.

"You... you're Aragog, arent you?" Harry asks.

"Yes. Hagrid has never sent men to us before."

"He's in trouble. In our school there have been attacks and they believe he is the culprit. They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Like before." Harry tries to stay brave. Ron looks around afraid. I grab his hand and try to calm him down. I don't want him to run and the spiders to think we're ennemies.

"That's a lie. Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets."

"Then you're not the monster." I conclude.

"No, the monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land in the pocket of a traveler." Ron starts to shake me and point to other, big spiders. Less big than Aragog but bigger than either 3 of us, still. I put my finger to my lips signaling him to stay silent.

"If you're not the monster, what killed that girl a few years ago?" Hold on, who was killed and when? Why does Harry know this stuff and I don't? Albus, I'm coming for answers.

"We do not speak of it. It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all ithers."

"Wait, this is gonna sound rude and I'm sorry, but spiders can fear other creatures? As in, a big and strong spider as yourself fears another?" I ask.

"Yes, there are many ancient things to fear and this creature is stronger than any of us."

"Have you seen it?" Harry asks. Hey, I was going to learn something interesting! I glare at him.

"I have never seen any part of the castle but the books in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was dicovered in a bathroom. When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here." Ron, please stop making those scared sounds, you're aggitating the spiders that are surrounding us.

"Harry." Ron shakes Harry gently.

"What?" He asks annoyed. Ron points up and we both look up to see spiders coming fown on us. I'm getting ambushed by spiders. Fantastic.

"Yebat." I curse in Russian.

"Well, thank you. We will just go." Harry thanks while we back away.

"Go? I think not. My sons and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye friend and family of Hagrid."

"Can we panick now?" Well, an untrained person as yourself can panick now, yes. Although I would prefer the running and killing part. When the first spider gets to us, Harry uses our heavy lamp to fight it. I take down the second one with a branch. Ron is halfway panicking between us. Harry takes out his wand.

"Spell that can come in handy? Anyone?"

"Where is Hermione when you need her." Ron asks afraid.

"She's paralysed, laying in the medical wing being tended from Madame Pomfrey and thinking of all the exams she has to prepare." I answer. Yeah, they told me.

"Are spiders afraid of lights?" I ask. That's when I hear a car. I look behind me to see a bluish car without a driver, drive to us. The spiders back away. It opens its doors. I grab the dog and sit in the driverseat. Why? Because I can drive and if the magic leaves the car, maybe I can save us until we get to Hogwarts. The car drives backwards until all spiders are away.

"Gald we're out of there." Ron exhales. Just then, a spider breaks in the car. It strangles Ron. I grab Hagrid's knife and start cutting off its legs.


"Don't mention the knife to anyone." I grab the wheel. To see lots of spiders in front of us.

"Get us out of here! Now!" I start the car and drive us as fast as I can backwards.


"Calm down Harry." I stay colected. When I trun the car around I see more spiders infront of us. The boys keep yelling stuff.

"Please refrain yourself of yelling in my ears, Mr Potter and Mr Weasley. It will not help our situation." I say.

"Get us in the air!"

"The car can fly?" I ask. Ron comes a bit forward and with Harry they push something. Soon enough we're flying in the nightsky.

"Couln't have told me sooner?" I ask when I land us near Hagrid's hut.

"Follow the spiders. Follow the spiders! If Hagrid ever comes out of Azkaban, I'm going to kill him!" Ron swears.

"How the hell did you stay so calm?" Harrry asks me.

"Habit of seeing nastyier stuff, Hazza. Huge spiders are one thing I now know exist but what could a spider possibly be afraid of?" I ask.

"A car." Harry smiles. I roll my eyes and head back to the castle with the boys. We use a small passage to enter.

Words: 1067

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