Azkaban and comfort

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And next part
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I'm in the library looking for books about Azkaban. About Dementors, more precisely. Once I do, I grab it and go to the Common Room to read it. I say the password and enter. Blaise, Theo and Daphne are sitting on one of the couches, Draco, Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle on the one facing us. I sit between the boys and they put their arm around or behind me. Protective of me, I think. I open the book and my own note book and quill and start reading and taking notes.

"Azkaban guardians...never failed to find...only hunting the one their given as target...amortal beings, aren't alive so can't be killed...Patronus Charm can be used... frezzing feeling... never to be happy again." I mumble while taking notes.

"What are you reading?" Blaise whispers to me.

"A story of Azkaban. Dementor chapter. They're quite stupid to put the plan of Azkaban in here. You could draw it off and find a way to get someone out." I shake my head.

"There are probably people guarding those exits frome every corner."

"And yet a not-so-sure killer escaped."

"Not so sure?" Blaise looks at me and puts his letter away.

"I don't think the killer would hide Peter's dead body and forget his finger on the ground. Believe me, I've lived with enough crazy people to know how they think. Killers especially."

"What do you mean by that? Do you know any killers?" Malfoy asks me.

"I don't remember talking to you, Malfoy. But yes, I grew up around killers and other mental people." I go back to my book.

"Is that why you always have a weapon on you?" Theo asks.

"What makes you think I carry 1 weapon?" I whisper. They look down at me and I show them 2 daggers strapped at my left arm.

"I've seen some crazy stuff. Done some as well, against my will but I did." By now, most students are in bed. Only the 3 boys, Daphne and I are sitting here.

"Well, I'm going before Astoria decides to lock the door again." Daphne leaves us.

"Night." I don't look up as she leaves. She kisses Theo before though.

"Get a room." Malfoy mumbles.

"I agree." I chime in.

"We're going to sleep. See ya Nat." I wave with my fingers.

"Dementors are ghosts...have no soul...deadly kiss...born through so much pain like during wars." I continue my notes until my mind seems stuck on a sentence.

One can only be hunted and destined to a Dementor's kiss if one has done something horrible and the Ministry has decided that it is unforgivable. Example: killing, torturing,...

I did those things. I could've been sentenced to a Dementor's kiss twice! I really owe Lucius Malfoy more than I could ever repay him. My trial...if those would've gone in another direction...and I might have caused a few Dementors with all the pain and suffering I caused. The hospital fire in France, Hungary and Sao Paulo. The bombs in Turkey and Russia. I have killed and hurt so many people...and I wasn't even punished by the Ministry because I was a child forced to do it. If I would have been older I would probably be sentenced to Death. Not that that was an u familiar situation.

"Natalie? Can you hear me?" A very quiet voice very far away asks me. I know that voice. Where have I heard it before?

"Natalie, take deep breathes. Come on, breathe in, breathe out. Come on, with me. In and out." The voice becomes clearer. A manly voice. I try to breathe and soon, sounds come back. A fire, heavy breathing, some soothing voice. I feel two hands on my cheek, drawing soothing patterns on my skin. I slowly open my eyes to see two gorgeous eyes stare at mine.

"Hey, there you go. That's it."

"Could you... could you give me some space, Draco?" I ask breathless. He sits beside me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"You have never called me that before." He mumbles.

"What?" I turn confused.

"You've never called me Draco before. Only Pound shop Legolas or Malfoy."

"Called you a cry baby too." I put my head back. He huffs.

"Why can't you just call me Legolas?"

"Cause he's an Elf. He's strong and beautiful, smart and patient, tall and royalty. That's why." I yawn.

"You could call me Draco."

"If you call me Natalie." I muster all my strength and stand up.

"Go to bed, Natalie." Something warm is on my upper half.

"You too, Dragon." I turn and go to my room. I enter my room and fall on my bed, barely missing Dracid and Sev in the process, as I hit the bed. Then, everything turns dark.

Words: 819

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