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Now the fun begins...in Hogwarts. Let's see how Natasha will be reacting to certain...things.
Enjoy and comment.
Btw, the words number dissapeared so I wont be posting it today.

Nat pov.

"So, I have to chose between Sev and Dracid to come at Hogwarts?" I ask again, not believing Minnie.

"Yes, for the 4th time. Only one and ususally dragons aren't allowed." She rolls her eyes.

"Admit it, you love him." I feed Dracid, who sits on my shoulder. He makes his happy growl.

"I will see you there. Remember-"

"9¾, in a wall. See, you Minnie." I finish for her. She dissapears in a cloud. I go down and say farewell to Severus until he leaves in his cloud aswell.

A few days later I am at the train station. I am pretty late so it's crowded. I have a cart with luggage and a survival backpack. I have a bag where I put the things of Sev and Dracid. Did they really think I would leave one behind? I scoff and follow a red head family. They seem to know what their doing. I follow at distance until a boy catches up with them. And since he's a brown haired one, I'm assuming he's not part of the family. When I find them all going through the wall, I immidiatly follow them in. I roll through the wall and land on a other crowded platform.

"That was cool." I grin and move towards the train. I put my stuff where I have to and want to climb on the train but a hand on my shoulder turns me around. The man who turns me around is wearing black tailored robes, has elegant long white hair and piercing blue greyish eyes.

"Mr. Malfoy, I suppose." I smile. He looks at me with a interested look.

"Miss Roman, I see the effort I put in getting you in Hogwarts paid off." He talks with a few pauses in his words. Is he trying to mimick Severus or?

"Indeed, it has. I have been invited and I heard your son has been invited aswell."

"He has, yes. Draco! Come here." He calls a for his son. His son looks like his father but a bit different.

"This is Natalie Roman, say hello."

"Draco Malfoy." He puts his hand out.

"Natalie Roman." I shake his hand but very uncomfortable. I don't like shaking hands.

"I'm sure you can sit together on the train." His father implies.

"I suppose. I don't want to sound rude but do you have a wife?" I ask.

"I am his wife." A beatiful woman comes stand beside him.

"Wow. I had heard of your beauty, Miss Malfoy, but I thought it was exagerated." I tell her. She smiles at me, clearly not being complimented often.

"I have heard quite a deal of you aswell, Miss Roman but I hope I will be able to hear thing from you." We smile at eachother.

"Get on, now. The train will be leaving soon." I get on and let Draco follow me. We walk in silence until we found an empty compartment. I sit near the door towards the window so that I have an emergency and can eliminate a threat that come in from the door.

"I don't remember there being a Roman family in the book." Draco starts to talk. I look at him confused.

"The book of the pureblood familys. I don't remember you in there."

"Beacause I'm not in it." I smirk. Now Draco looks very confused.

"Then why does my father talk to you? Why is he interested in you to even adress you?"

Another Potter ( x Draco Malfoy probably)Where stories live. Discover now