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Ending Chamber of secrets the soonest possible.
Mention of drugs. Nothing happens.
Enjoy and comment.

Nat POV.

I'm packing my stuff. The end of the year is upon us and I am leaving again to go home. Due to all of the excitement, all exams have been cancelled. I must say that father has been very displeased of me lately. He's angry that i disobeyed him and helped Harry with the monster. Honestly, I wasn't even there in the action.

"Natalie? Can I come in?" I close the suitcase and open the door.

"Yes Headmaster?" I let him in.

"Why is Severus angry?"

"Ah, it's nothing." I continue to fold clothes.

"Tell me? Did you fall in love and he disagreed or?" I snicker at the mention of love.


"Really, Albus. Love? I have never met a person in my life who believes in love."

"You know quiet a few people who believe in love, actually." Albus disagrees. I raise my eyebrow.

"I tell you about love and you tell me about the argument with Severus."

"He is mad because he told me to stay away from the Chamber and the Monster and I quote: You went straight towards it, head first, regardless of what could have happened." I admit.

"And that hurts."


"That is because you care about his opinion. And since you love him as your father, it will hurt." Albus takes my hand. I smile gratefully at him.

"Now tell me, who believes in love?"

"Your father fell in love, long ago. The love of his life since childhood. But alas, she fell for another. She married the man she loved and had a child with him. When she died, your father never recovered. Not only because he had bad history with the man of his beloved, but also because he never got to move on. He and her had also fallen apart years prior. He still loves her to this day."

"Did she know?" I whisper.

"No. She never realized what she meant to him. She meant everything to him. But I think that slowly, she doesn't or won't mean everything to him anymore. While she can never be replaced, the feelings and the care can be redirected." I look at Albus confused. He seems to really be invested in what he says.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes, a few times but the strongest romantically love I have ever felt was with Gellert Grindelwald. But that did not end well at all. We were friends at first. Then there was this...attraction that happened. It of the strongest things I had ever felt before. When I realized that his feelings were driven by...other intentions, I had to do what was right. He was an evil man, Natalie. And sometimes, we fall in love with the wrong people. And that's alright as long as remember to learn from your mistake and do better after that." I think over what he just told me.

"Is he still alive?"

"I think not. I wish not." I nod again.

"Love is the most powerful magic off all, Nat." He hugs me.

"I will talk to Severus and calm him down. After all, who knows what may happen. Oh and Natalie? How did you burn those?" He points at the no longer present curtains.

"I didn't." I smile knowingly. He gives me a sigh and leaves the room. The moment the door shuts, it opens again.

"What did the Headmaster want?" Blaise pokes his head in.

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