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Btw, all images are from the internet so they don't belong to me.

Nat pov.

"We're here!" I run towards the entrance of the house. There I spot Minerva and Severous.

"Merry Christams! Come on, come on. I didn't make food for you two so you could just stand there. Come in." I drag them to the dining room. I know that they are confused since I have never been this excited around them but it's the first time I am celebrating in my life. Well, except for the ceremony of the dead but that's something else.

"You are...very excited." Severus musses.

"Well, it's my first celebration ever so I'm curious as to what happens usually. And I'm if I could explode." I grin up at him.

"It's the feeling of happiness or gleeful. It's quiet a nice feeling." Minerva smiles at me. I bring them to the kitchen. I internally soar when I see both of them smile.

"You out did yourself, little girl. You have surprised me." Minerva nods.

"Well, at least Albus and Hagrid won't be starving when they arrive." Sev jumps up to Minerva. I sit down on the coutch as Minerva stars to tell me about what happened in school lately but I can still feel Severus putting gifts under the tree I put up.

"-and we are waiting for the two other gentlemen to come so that we can finally bring you to Diagon Alley." She smiles at me. Diagon Alley is a place I wanted to see since apperantly a lot of wizards go there. FYI I have never been in a wizard enviroment or shop or whatever, if you forget the Ministry and that I live in Minerva's house. I smile gratefully at her.

"Well, at least you look better now that a few days ago. Tell me, do you fancy those colors?" Severus asks and sits beside me. Sev comes up and lays down on my lap. I cross my legs because I know that's her favourite position.

"Well, I try to wear more colour now that I can but I like purple, blue and green particularly. Even though it changes sometimes. But it's easy to blend in every where whith jeans. Then my green coat works with many of my other clothes. But I also like this purple sweater. Do you always wear black? You should change it sometimes at least here. I like black but not that much anymore." I sy honestly. Severus just sits there thinking for a while until Minerva interrupts his thoughts.

"All students wear black robes in Hogwarts and their respective coulour because of their house, the only ones who don't are us teachers. Even there, there are a few that still use the colour balck every day. Albus mostly wears grey robes. I either wear black or green, Severus is always in black." I listen to her until I hear the door open. I put the sleeping Sev on Severus carefully, then jump off the couch and run to the door.

"Hello! Merry Christmas to the 2 of you." I welcome the men. Albus chuckles at my excitement and pulls me in a hug and Hagrid laughs loudly. I talk to them and bring them to the living room where I left my 3 favourite people, well, wizards and cat in my case.

"Albus and Hagrid, you're late." Minerva points her finger at them and halfheartly glares at them. I snicker at their guilty looks. They wink at me and try apolagizing to Minerva who seems to believe none of their innocent act. I take my precious cat again and bting it to bed.

"I will see you soon, my baby." I mumble in russian. I pet her and then, after putting a few basic weapons on me, I go back down stairs. I see all 4 of them looking around and a few more gifts are under the tree than I remember.

"What are you looking for?" I ask. They seem to not have heard me as they turn around surprised.

"We we're looking for you, dear. Are you ready to go to Diagon Alley?" I run to get my caot a huge grin on my face. I come back as fast as possible.

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