Christmas preperations

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Nat pov.

So, it's been 2 weeks since Minerva adopted me. I've met Albus, Severus and Hafrid properly and I love all three of them. Albus loves showing me music and I started devoloping my own music taste. He is also the one that will tell me about traditions and the things I should know as a almost 9 year old. Severus has been teaching me how to cook and how to make potions. I love cooking for them. I'm still figuring out what they prefer though. He also likes when I give him hugs. Hagrid is always teaching me about animals and Hogwarts or Quidditch. He always tells me who wins, or which animal he found lately. I told him that I always wanted a dragon and so he flew me all the way to a Dragon Center where they keep all the dragons. It was very exciting, I even got to touch a few baby dragons! Minerva is always giving me advice and helping me when I need help whith magic. She often comes with me at our library and we sit and read together. Oh, and I saw her tramsform into a cat a few times. And then there's Sev the cat. She always wants to cuddle which I love. We always go to bed together and she gives me lots of cuddles and small licks on the cheak. But! Today I am going out. I go out at least once a day now but today, I'm getting presents for my favourite people. When Albus told me about Christmas, I started getting ideas for the gifts. It was easy for Albus, he likes music and very warm socks and scarfs. I think I'll buy him a red scarf since he's a Gryffindor. Minerva needs new books and a new pair of gloves. I was thinking that Hagrid might need a new dagger because he lost his. And you should never go in the forest of Hogwarts without a dagger, Hagrid claims. And for Severus...I think I will make him a special potion and a sketch of himself.

"Sev, I'll be back before you know it." I hug my cat then I close the door. I walk down the road to the main street where I pass many people. I nod at them or wave at the children when I see them. It's barely snowing but the wind is cold. My hands are in pockets but they are warm because of my gloves, curtasy from Hagrid. I'm wearing a black coat and black shoes but blue jeans. My hair is braided like most of the time and my ears are covered thanks to my knitted hat. Minerva gave it to me.

I enter the mall and look around for all the exits and cameras while I look for the gifts for Albus and Minerva's gloves. I know, but my spy training is still in my system. I also still train myself in combat and gymnastic and so on. But I also sleep longer now and I don't always have nightmares. Whitch is fun.

"Oh yes, this is it." I grab the scarf from where it was hiding. Then I find the socks and the gloves.

"That will be 22 pounds, dear." I pay and leave the first shop. I then look for the hunting shop I found a few days ago. Even if I get a few strange looks, I enter and soon find what I'm looking for. Now, since I know they would never let a child leave with only a dagger, I grab an entire bag called "Hunts and Camps". The cashier looks at me suspicious but makes me pay anyway.

"57 pounds." I pay him and smile at him. He takes the money and gives me the change.

"Aren't you too young to hunt?" He asks kinda mean.

"It's not only for hunting, sir. Bye." I leave the shop pretty fast. I leave for home immediatly after that. I don't like it when people are mean to me. It makes me want to hurt them and I know I could. And it makes me upset. The moment I step in the house Sev jumps up on me.

"Missed you too. The man wasn't nice to me. Butttt, I got the gifts. And now, of to the library. I need to find a good potion to make Seberus happy." I put away my coat and boots, then hide my presents in my room and bathroom and find a book about potions. I grab my notebook and start chosing. It's very quiet in the house because Minerva is at Hogwarts so it's only the two of us in the house. On the other hand, it's easy to prepare Christmas. Severus and Minerva are coming home in three days time because it'll be the holidays. So three days to prepare everything. And I will send Albus' gifts per owl. And for Hagrid, I will wait until we meet at the forest.

Words: 836

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