Worst fear

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I'm going to try something a bit different.
Enjoy and comment

Nat POV.

We are all standing in front of a bogart. It shows us our worse fears, apparently. I have to see, Professor Lupin is better than any other DADA Professor we ever had.

"Intriguing, isn' it? Would anyone try to guess as to what is inside?" He moves across the room. We have been separated from the Gryffindors so it's only us Slytherins.

"That's a bogart." Daphne says.

"Very good, Ms Greengrass. Now an anybody tell me what a bogart looks like?"

"Bogarts are shapeshifters, they take the form of whatever their victim fears the most. That's what makes them dangerously terrifying." Theo, Blaise and I say at the same time. We read about them yesterday.

"Good. Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a bogart. Let's practise it now. Without wands please, after me. Ridicilous." We repeat.

"Very good, louder and very clear. Listen. Ridiculous." We say it louder.

"This class is ridiculous." I look at Malfoy. He looks pissed, leaning against the wall. His arm is in a sling because he taught it would be smart to insult Buckbeak, the one thing Hagrid said to never do. I felt bad for Buckbeak to have to deal with him.

"So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a bogart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you truly find amusing. Let me explain. Uh..., Daphne, will you join me?" I look at Daphne beside me. She gulps in fear.

"What frightens you the most?" He asks.

"Professor Snape." She mumbles and I try to stop myself from laughing. A few laugh louder than anticipated. But she does turn around to glare at me.

"Sorry." I smile apologetic.

"Professor Snape frightens us all. I believe you know your Grandmother, no?" She nods confused.

"I need you to picture her clothes and only that. Now, when I open the ward here is what I want you to do." He whispers in her ear and I smirk at what he says.

"You heard it, didn't you?" Theo asks and I smile up at him. He shakes his head.

"Wand at ready! 1 2 3." The door opens and Dad walks out.

"Picture it."

"Ridiculous!" Dad is wearing very bright yellow dress and green top. His hat is...extravagant. We all start laughing.

"Wonderful, Daphne. Everyone, fall in line." We all get in line. I happen to be in the last so chances that I get taken are slim and guess who is in front of us. Pansy and Draco. Lupin puts on some music and the next Slytherin is on. And on it goes. Soon, it gets interesting. Emma, a Slytherin I often get paired up with,worst fear is deep sea. Her brother, Julian, is height. Goyle's worst fear is fire. Crabbe's poison. Then came Draco, who's worse fear is his father. I couldn't contain my laughter at Pansy. Her worst fear is me.

"Did I hit you that hard?" I ask her. Lupin looks at me, amused. Blaise's worst fear is losing his little sister and Theo's is needles.

"James, wands at ready." I turn my back to the bogart and look at Lupin, who realizes his mistake. I open my mouth to say something when someone screams and I roll away just in time to avoid getting sliced in 2 by my bogart. Being me behind a black mask, thank god for that 'cause otherwise the others would know that it's me. I search for my wand but it's on the ground on the other side of the room near the boys, who are trying to pass it to me. I signal them to stop.

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